Issue - decisions

Comparison of bus fares in York with other Local Authorities

09/09/2008 - A Comparison of Bus Fares in York with other Local Authorities

Consideration was given to a report which advised Members of the comparative cost of bus travel in response to a request made for this information at the meeting of the Panel in July 2007.


The report examined the following areas:

  • How local bus service fares in York compare to those in other, broadly similar conurbations.
  • How Park & Ride fares in York compare to those in other local authorities.
  • How fares differ between the bus companies operating in (and into) York.

Members were reminded that they had little control over fares levels on commercial bus services.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to continue to support Officers in their work with bus operators to further improve the quality and retain the existing fares on bus services in York.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To continue to monitor local bus service and Park and Ride fares against other comparable Local Authorities.




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