Issue - decisions

Six monthly review of speeding issues

15/07/2008 - Six monthly Review of Speeding Issues

Proposal A - provides a continuation of the Speed Management Review System put in place in October 2006, and ensures that the greatest rate of return from funding steams is achieved.

Proposal B - ensures that, although not speed related the issues around junctions that the process has highlighted are progressed through the appropriate channels

Proposal C - provides partnership working to work towards a speeding strategy that should include a proactive approach as well as the reactive approach that already exists through the Speed Management Review process. This should ensure ownership of the issues, across the board at all levels.  It also gives a co-ordinated way forward for implementing any further education, publicity or enforcement, which should support the Speed Management Review Process.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


(i) Note the outcome of the junction/speeding issue assessments carried out by Officers, and give in principle support to an appropriate funding allocation being made within the 2008/09 and 2009/10 Transport Capital Programme for speed management proposals.


(ii)        Give support to the proposal to create a Speed Strategy to ensure speed issues are considered in a proactive as well as reactive and structured way.


(iii) Note the feasibility study being undertaken by the 95 Alive partnership and understand that should this recommend the implementation of speed cameras within York and North Yorkshire funding will have to be found for implementation and continuing running costs

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:         By implementing a robust programme of speed management measures to reduce excessive speeding, which targets the minority of drivers whose driving behaviour poses the greatest risk to others, overall safety can be improved and an increase in active transport use achieved.


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