Issue - decisions

Vibration Survey Results for North Moor Road withint Huntington Primary School Safety Zone

15/07/2008 - Vibration Survey Results for North Moor Road (within Huntington Primary School Safety Zone)

Option One – make no changes to the existing School Safety Zone;

Option Two – remove the School Safety Zone or make alterations to the traffic calming measures in an attempt to reduce the current traffic vibration levels.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That Executive Member for City Strategy be advised  to approve Option One, to make no changes to the existing School Safety Zone on North Moor Road, Huntington and authorise Officers to formally notify the residents of the decision taken.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            The levels of vibration recorded do not warrant making any changes to the existing layout. Making no changes to the existing School Safety Zone means that an effective form of traffic calming can be retained outside the primary school in order to maintain low vehicle speeds and control traffic speeds on the approach to the speed table crossing point, thereby maintaining a safer environment for school children and village residents.


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