Issue - decisions
Public Rights of Way - review of request to restrict public pedestrian rights over an alleyway leading from Mayfield Grove to St Helen's Road, Dringhouses
03/06/2008 - Public Rights of Way - Review of Request to Restrict Public Pedestrian Rights Over an Alleyway Leading from Mayfield Grove to St Helen's Road, Dringhouses
Members considered a report which followed up the Advisory Panel’s request in January 2007, to identify a practical option for implementing a Conditional Gating Order (CGO) on the alleyway leading from Mayfield Grove to St Helen’s Road, Dringhouses, once the Council’s Gating Order Policy had been adopted.
The report sought approval in principle, to a CGO being made in order to restrict public access along the above alley at certain times of the day, subject to a further report, giving details of how this would be implemented, being approved at a later date. Members were reminded that when the residents petition had first been considered it had been recognised that there was a case for closure on crime/anti-social behaviour grounds but as the snicket was well used during the day a CGO would be the most practical solution.
Members then considered the following options:
Option A: Do not approve, in principle, a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question.
Option B: Approve, in principle, to a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question.
Advice of the Advisory Panel
That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to approve Option B and agree in principle, to a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question, subject to a further report to the Advisory Panel identifying a workable and affordable solution for the opening and closing of the gates.
Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy
RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.
REASON: To aid the prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour in the area.