Issue - decisions

LDF City Centre Area Action Plan: Issues and Options

17/06/2008 - City of York Local Development Framework: City Centre Area Action Plan - Issues and Options report

RESOLVED: (i)         That the draft Issues and Options document at Annex A and the summary of Issues and Options at Annex B be approved for public consultation, subject to the changes recommended by the LDF Working Group.


REASON:      So that the City Centre Area Action Plan DPD can be progressed to its next stage of development, as highlighted in the Council’s Local Development Scheme.


                        (ii)        That authority be delegated to the Director of City Strategy, in consultation with the Executive Member and Shadow Executive Member for City Strategy to make any necessary incidental changes to the above documents resulting from the Executive’s decisions on this item.


REASON:      So that the recommended changes can be made.


                        (iii)       That authority be delegated to the Director of City Strategy, in consultation with the Executive Member and Shadow Executive Member for City Strategy, to approve the Sustainability Strategy to accompany the Issues and Options document consultation.


REASON:      So that the report and accompanying document can be progressed.


                        (iv)       That authority be delegated to the Director of City Strategy, in consultation with the Executive Member and Shadow Executive Member for City Strategy, to approve a Consultation Strategy and promotional material.


REASON:      To ensure that the proposed methods of consultation are satisfactory to Members.


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