Issue - decisions

Review of Grants Policy

03/06/2008 - Review of Grants Policy

Advice of Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                 Note the contents of the report, and that a letter has been sent to Government Office expressing the Council’s concern over the budget allocation;

(ii)               Approve the revision to the existing policy in line with this interim review, including:

a.     The change to the eligibility criteria for the energy efficiency grant

b.     The briefing on proposed changes to the DFG (noting the short term and long term impact of the changes on the delivery of the disabled facilities grant programme)

c.      Endorsement of the Council’s adaptation programme across all tenures (noting the potential financial implications) and continued support for this area of work.


Decision of Executive Member


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      To respond to changes in national policy and to assist vulnerable residents of the City of York.


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