Issue - decisions

Request for Additional Scrutiny Funding

06/05/2008 - Scrutiny Management Committee - Request for Additional Scrutiny Funding

RESOLVED: That the Scrutiny Management Committee be invited to choose between the following two options:

·        Option 1 – to agree to release the £14k currently allocated in the contingency  provision for Scrutiny activities, plus £3k from reserves, for use in fully funding the application from the Traffic Congestion Scrutiny Committee.

·        Option 2 – to make available appropriate funding from reserves, up to a value of £6k, to facilitate an assessment of public opinion on the options for addressing traffic congestion issues in the City using existing mechanisms such as ‘Your City’, ‘Talkabout’ and the Council’s on-line consultation module.


REASON:      To enable the SMC to make a decision on this issue and the  use of Scrutiny funding without improper interference from the Executive.


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