Issue - decisions

Use of LPSA2 reward grant

06/05/2008 - Use of LPSA2 Reward Grant / LAA Financial Policy

RESOLVED: (i)         That the methodology that has been developed for allocating the LPSA2 reward grant be approved, subject to the inclusion on the application form of more specific targets and milestones and the establishment of a robust progress reporting mechanism.


REASON:      To initiate the use of LPSA2 reward grant to support the outcomes of the Local Area Agreement (LAA), as previously agreed in principle.


                        (ii)        That the draft list of LAA performance indicators (PIs) included in the report be noted, with some concerns.


                        (iii)       That the Chief Executive be instructed to review the proposed LAA PI list, in consultation with responsible Members, to ensure that the PIs are focused on achieving identifiable and verifiable improvements in street level public services.


REASON:      So that Members can be satisfied that these issues have been addressed when the draft PIs come before the Executive for approval next month.


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