Issue - decisions

Index of Multiple deprivation and a strategic response

12/02/2008 - IMD and a Strategic Response

RESOLVED: That the following actions, as set out in paragraph 9 of the report, be agreed as a response to the new published information on the Index of Multiple Deprivation:

a)     The Council will lead and manage a pilot multi-agency programme, involving where appropriate the Ward (Planning) Committee, which will tackle deprivation initially in one geographical area of the City.

b)     The lessons learned and the results of this action will be reported back, at regular intervals, to the Council and the WoW Board, to inform the partnership on how best to develop a city-wide approach to tackling deprivation.

c)      The pilot team will be tasked to:

·        Examine the likely causes of deprivation and consider appropriate responses

·        Assemble a working budget

·        Aim to reduce deprivation in one area of the City

·        Identify effective leadership roles to deliver actions and outcomes

·        Develop and deliver proposals which provide outcomes supporting existing strategies of partnership agencies

·        Establish a template for a city-wide approach to tackling deprivation

·        Suggest how partners’ resources might be better used through a joint approach

·        Develop interim success measures prior to the next IMD in four years’ time

·        Develop a reporting mechanism for actions and results.


REASON:      To reduce deprivation in the City and to inform the Council and the Local Strategic Partnership on the development of an appropriate city-wide response to deprivation.


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