Issue - decisions

Audit & Fraud Shared Service - Business Options

19/03/2008 - Audit & Fraud Shared Service - Business Options

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)                 That the progress which had been made in developing the shared service initiative to date, and the outcome of the options appraisal as set out in the Outline Business Case be noted;

(ii)               That the options for the future direction of the project, as set out in paragraph 19 be noted, and the officer recommendation to proceed with the project as originally defined (Option 4) be approved;

(iii)             That the officer recommendation to proceed with option E, as the long term organisational structure of the shared service be approved in principle;

(iv)              That the intention to report back to this Committee for final Member approval, before  progressing to full implementation of the chosen option, be noted.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASONS: (i) To enable Members to consider the progress made with the shared service initiative to date, and the outcome of the options appraisal undertaken by the Project Board.

(ii)   To enable Members to agree the next steps in the development of the shared service.


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