Issue - decisions

Revenue Budgets 2008/9

22/01/2008 - Revenue Budgets 2008/9

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·        Consider whether the budget proposals are in line with the Council’s priorities.

·        Note the comments made on the budget proposals for savings and growth which have been prepared by Officers and are contained in the report and are intended to form part of the Council’s budget to be considered on 12 February 2008.

·        Note the comments made on the areas for consultation for the revenue budget contained in this report, which may form part of the Council’s budget to be considered on 12 February 2008.

·        Note the comments made on the capital proposals which have been prepared by Officers and are contained in this report which are intended to form part of the Council’s budget to be considered on 12 February 2008.

·        Note the budget proposals for consultation for Children’s Services for 2008/09 contained in the report.

·        Note and welcome additional areas of Government funding in relation to the personal learning agenda and tackling pockets of deprivation.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  As part of the consultation on the Children’s Services budget for 2008/09.


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