Issue - decisions

Post Office closures

16/01/2008 - Post Office Closures

RESOLVED: (i)         That the report be endorsed and that the comments in paragraphs 39-43 be used as a basis for the response to the closures, as follows:

·         The programme is driven by the desire to cut losses not by an examination of social need or business viability

·         No regard has been given to the social role of Post Offices in communities or with small businesses

·         There are concerns about a piecemeal approach rather than the application of strict criteria - which has lead to past closures and potentially future closures

·         If any rural Post Offices are saved due to community role, will further urban Post Offices in York be set for closure

·         The Government has failed to grasp the opportunities for greater commercial freedom, new products and services


                        (ii)        That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Council Leader, to finalise the Council’s response to the consultation.


REASON:      To emphasise the Council’s view on the role that Post Offices play within the community at large.


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