Issue - decisions

Waste PFI update

24/10/2007 - Waste PFI Update

RESOLVED: (i)         That the award of £65m PFI credits towards the costs of this project be noted.


                        (ii)        That the Executive’s belief that Landfill Tax generated from York residents should be returned to recycling services in York, in line with the campaign by the Local Government Association, be re-affirmed.


                        (iii)       That an Inter-Authority agreement under seal be entered into with North Yorkshire County Council on the basis of the issues set out in the report and that the Director of City Strategy and the Head of Civic, Legal and Democratic Services, in consultation with the appropriate Executive and Shadow Executive Members, be given delegated authority to agree the detail of the agreement in order to give effect to those terms.


                        (iv)       That the Director of City Strategy be authorised to utilise the proposed evaluation methodology, in consultation with the appropriate Executive and Shadow Executive Members.


REASON:      To progress the Waste PFI project, which has previously been agreed as the best way for CYC and NYCC to proceed in order to provide waste disposal facilities for the future, through the procurement phase.


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