Issue - decisions

Millfield Lane/Low Poppleton Lane Traffic Regulation Order Objections

30/10/2007 - Millfield Lane/Low Poppleton Lane Traffic Regulation Order Objections

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised :


(i)                 To implement the proposals as advertised and inform the objectors of this decision;

(ii)               To look at the turning circle on Low Poppleton Lane;

(iii)             To contact the relevant bus companies regarding the proposals.



Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


Resolved :      That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


Reason :         Local Plan Policy (T7c) adopted by the City of York Council requires development sites of this scale and nature be served by a regular bus service within 400m offering a daytime frequency of 20 minutes. In this case the number of additional vehicles per hour would rise by just 6 unless the bus company increase their service to every 15 minutes in which case the number of additional vehicles per hour will be 8.


The use of a controlled access point that allows only buses through is the only practical way of achieving this outcome without opening up the route to all classes of vehicle.





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