Agenda item

Christian Science Church, Kilburn Road, York YO10 4DE (08/00113/FULM)

Erection of 5 no. townhouses and 5 no. apartments with associated garaging/parking after demolition of existing building (resubmission) [Fishergate Ward] [Site Visit].


Members considered a full major application, submitted by Mr Matthew Gath, for the erection of 5 no. townhouses and 5 no. apartments with associated garaging/parking after demolition of existing building (resubmission).


Officers updated that:

  • A sustainability statement had now been received for this application and circulated to Members at the meeting;
  • An email had been received from Cllr D’Agorne relating to a request for the local listing of the Christian Science Church, inclusion of the building in the Conservation Area and a request to condition the replanting of two blossom trees;
  • An additional email from a local resident stating that no developments in the area abutted the pavement as was proposed in this application and requesting a more sensitive development reflecting the surroundings;
  • Details of bin and cycle storage had now been received and Condition 8 would require amending to reflect this;
  • There was a need to remove reference to drainage plans from the list of approved drawings as these were yet to be agreed;
  • No response had been received from the Fishergate Planning Panel.


One of the Local Members stated that the Church on the site had been considered a building of architectural merit. He expressed concerns that the new build element was stepped forward of the building line in Kilburn Road and that a request had been made 3 years ago for a re-examination of the Conservation Area boundary which abutted this site to include this building. He also referred to a petition sent to Council, with 66 signatories, objecting to the proposed demolition of this art deco building. 


Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Vassie seconded refusal of the application on the grounds that this would lead to the loss of a landmark building, which would have a negative impact on the Conservation Area it adjoined. This motion was lost.


Certain Members expressed support for the proposals which they felt were similar in design to Elliott Court, south of the site, a three-storey development.


The Councils Conservation Architect confirmed that a re-appraisal of the Fulford Road Conservation Area was being undertaken but that this was at an early stage. She stated that the Conservation Area would consider the effect on the setting of the new development rather than the loss of the old.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed and subject to the following amended conditions:  1.


                                    Amended Condition 2: The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved plans numbered Y81:613.02B, Y81:612.03B, Y81:612.10, Y81:612.11, Y81:612.13, Y81:612.14B, Y81:612.15 and Y81:612.16A or any plans or details subsequently agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority as an amendment to the approved plans.


                                    Amended Condition 8: The proposed refuse/recycling facilities shall be provided in accordance with the approved details before the dwellings hereby approved are occupied.  They shall be retained and used for no other purpose except with the prior written consent of the local planning authority.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed e, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to housing density, sustainability, visual impact, landscaping, impact on residents' living conditions, open space, education facilities, impact on the adjacent conservation area and highway issues.  The application therefore complies with policies GP1, GP9, GP4a, H4a, H5a, T4, ED4, HE2 and L1c of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.

Supporting documents:


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