Agenda item
Social Inclusion Working Group Membership.
This report summarises discussions during the Development Day on 25 February 2008 between members and community group representatives regarding membership of the Group. Members are requested to approve the involvement of expert witnesses in future Group meetings.
Members considered a report, which summarised discussions regarding possible improvements and additions to membership of the Group during the recent Development Day.
Officers confirmed that there had been extensive discussions on the membership issues, the key points of which were set out in Annex 1 to the report. A suggestion had been made to invite expert witnesses to future meetings to provide information and knowledge about specific issues. It was hoped that representative from the Primary Care Trust and Education Services could be invited to all future meetings of the Group. Heather Rice stated that Rachel Johns, who was the newly appointed, Associate Director of Public Health (York and Health Improvement), would be a useful contact for PCT representation.
The following witnesses had been suggested:
a. York Travellers Trust, to inform traveller issues
b. York Humanists, to inform non religion/belief issues
c. Young people invited in consultation with and supported by Steve Rouse, the youth worker who is currently commissioned by SIWG to work with young people, to inform specific issues such as intergenerational projects.
d. User representatives from Valuing People Partnership and York People First to inform learning disabilities and mental health issues
e. People from York Access Group to inform mobility issues
f. Representatives from Higher York to progress higher education student inclusion
g. Following investigation to identify relevant groups in the City, invite representatives from women’s groups, men’s groups and transgender groups to assist with gender issues.
h. Representatives from the Primary Care Trust and Education services to assist with and inform service issues arising in these areas.
Members referred to the representatives from Higher York, referred to in point f) “to progress higher education student inclusion” and which they felt may work against social inclusion and suggestions were made to amend this to relate to the Students Union and Higher Education Institutions.
Some Members referred to the point made at the Development Day that there were too many elected members on the Group and questioned how this could be addressed. The Chair stated that any changes to the numbers of members on the Group would require changes to the Constitution and agreement by Council. Other Members pointed out that there was a need for as many elected members as possible to hear the views of the group but just not to override them.
Heather Rice confirmed that these were all valid points and that the group should be looking at improving links. She stated that there was a need to raise the group’s profile which required a communication plan perhaps with the preparation of edited highlights of groups meetings for circulation at corporate Management Team meetings and to community group members. Officers confirmed that they were to meet with Ward Committees, at the end of the month, with a view to ascertaining how these could link up with the group.
RESOLVED: i) That the contents of the report be noted.
ii) That approval given to the attendance of expert witnesses as detailed on page 28 of the report, subject to point f) being amended to relate to “the Students Union and Higher Education Institutions” to be invited to meetings in 2008/09, at the discretion of the Chair, for relevant agenda items.
iii) That Officers investigate with the Neighbourhood Management Unit how the Group could provide a better link with Ward Committees.
iv)That Heather Rice and the Head of Legal investigate a possible reduction in the number of elected members on the Group, in line with comments made at the Development Day, and a report be brought back to the May meeting.
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