Agenda item

Land Lying to the South of Centurion Office Park, Tribune Way, York (07/02783/OUTM)

Outline application for the erection of care home (C2 use) with pedestrian link to Hornbeam Close (resubmission) [Skelton, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without Ward] [Site Visit].


Members considered a major outline application, submitted by Keyland Gregory Ltd., for the erection of a care home (C2 use) with a pedestrian link to Hornbeam Close (resubmission).


Representations were received in objection to the application, from a neighbouring resident, and in support of the application, from the applicant’s agent.  Representations were also received from Councillor Moore, Ward Councillor for Skelton, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without, to suggest that, if Members wished to have the pedestrian access gate removed from the plans, the application be delegated for officer approval on receipt of revised plans.


Some Members expressed the view that locating a care home on a business park would result in a poor quality environment for its residents.  Concerns were also expressed regarding the proposed pedestrian access from Hornbeam Close and that it would encourage parking on nearby residential streets.  It was suggested that this access could be controlled via a management plan, which could be reviewed periodically in consultation with local residents.  Members also requested the addition of a condition to restrict the height of the building.


RESOLVED:That the application be approved, subject to the conditions listed in the report, with the following amended and additional conditions:


                        (i)            Amended Condition 16


The pedestrian only access route from the care home to Hornbeam Close shall be fitted with a security gate in order to control access to the site.  Full details of the security gate shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of development.  The gate shall be fitted in accordance with the approved details and thereafter maintained unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To restrict access into and out of the site to members of staff, visitors and occupants of the care home.


(ii)               Additional Condition


The pedestrian access onto Hornbeam Close shall be used only for its intended purpose of providing residents of the care home with access into and out of the site.  Prior to the first occupation of the care home a management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority which outlines the measures to be taken to ensure the access operates as intended and the methods to be used for reviewing and updating the management plan over time.


Reason:  To protect the amenities of local residents through restricting use of the pedestrian access to authorised persons and thus preventing the parking of vehicles on adjacent highways.


(iii)Additional Condition


Notwithstanding the information contained on the approved plans, the height of the approved development shall not exceed 13 metres in height at three storey level and 9.8 metres in height at two storey level, as measured from existing ground level. Before any works commence on the site, a means of identifying the existing ground level on the site shall be agreed in writing, and any works required on site to mark that ground level accurately during the construction works shall be implemented prior to any disturbance of the existing ground level. Any such physical works or marker shall be retained at all times during the construction period.


Reason: To establish existing ground level and therefore to avoid confusion in measuring the height of the approved development, and to ensure that the approved development does not have an adverse impact on the character of the surrounding area and the living conditions of adjacent dwellings.


REASON:      In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the loss of employment land, the future living conditions of occupants of the care home and the amenity and living conditions of local residents.  As such the proposal complies with Policies E3b and H17 of the City of York Draft Local Plan.

Supporting documents:


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