Agenda item

Public Participation / Other Speakers

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Panel’s remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is Friday 11 January 2008 at 5 pm.


Representations were received in relation to Agenda Item 18, Petition from residents of Bramham Avenue requesting resurfacing of the highway, from a resident in support of the petition. He stated that there were problems in the street relating to noise, structural damage, vibration levels.


Representations were received in relation to Agenda Item 19, Six monthly review of speeding issues. A lead petitioner raised issues regarding Towthorpe Road Haxby, regarding high average speeds, the fact that there are young people walking and cycling to schools in the area, and that a petition had been signed by 55 residents.

Representations were received regarding the requirement to enforce the 20 mph speed limit on Burton Stone Lane. He stated that pedestrians, older people and school children were vulnerable, and that vehicles travelled speeds of up to 60 mph there. He also stated that the speed cushions were ineffective and that extra measures were needed to combat the problems in the area.

An additional speaker spoke of the requirement to enforce the 20 mph speed limit on Burton Stone Lane, and the problems with the narrowness of the road, overtaking and danger to cyclists.


Cllr Merrett spoke regarding the Hob Moor part of Tadcaster Road and Nunnery Lane. He also stated that the scoring system regarding accidents and safety priorities was correct.


Representations were received in relation to Agenda Item 13, Petition on Affordable Housing. The Chairman of the Helmsley Group spoke stating that the 50% affordable housing rule was unworkable, especially with the requirements for pepperpotting. He stated that if these rules were workable they would have been implemented previously. He requested that the council work with developers to work together to find solutions.

Further representations were received from the Managing Director of Hogg the Builders. He stated that the housing market is complex and that there is not a “one size fits all” solution. Some schemes would not have been able to go ahead if the 50% rule applied, and all aspects of the policy would need to be considered.


Representations were received in relation to Agenda Item 14, Public Rights of Way – Petition seeking the addition of Chapel Alley Fulford to the list of Streets Maintainable at Public Expense. Cllr Aspden gave his support for the proposals to adopt the path.

Cllr D’Agorne spoke from the floor and supported the adoption of the path.


Representations were received in relation to Agenda Item 10, City Strategy Financial Support to Voluntary Organisations 2008/09. The Chair of York CVS stated that there was insufficient funding allocated to the organisation and that there had been no increase since 2004.

The manager of York Credit Union stated that they needed £70k of additional funding to provide cooperative financial services, which included provision of loans and savings services. Funding is required for a partnership project with York Citizens Advice Bureau, and the aims of the service fit in with City of York Councils corporate objectives.

A representative of York Older People’s Assembly  spoke regarding the work of the organisation, including increasing social inclusion, being an umbrella organisation for all other older persons organisations, and addressing issues such as the prejudice of the insurance industry to older persons.


Representations were received in relation to Agenda Item 12, Petition regarding anti-social behaviour, on behalf of the residents of Rawcliffe Grange. She stated that the report was not a true reflection of the situation. With reference to the action plan, feedback had not been provided on actions taken, there had been no police presence in the area recently, and they area still had problems with anti-social behaviour, drinking and bad language. All these issues were affecting the quality of life of residents.


Representations were received in relation to Agenda Item 16, Petition for CCTV – Bishopthorpe Road. Cllr Merrett spoke as Ward Councillor stating that the site would benefit from CCTV, and that it was important to address anti-social behaviour in this area. There was support from retailers and residents for this. The improvement of the layout of the recycling skips would increase security for nearby residents.


Representations were received in relation to Agenda Item 20, Highway Maintenance, Advanced Design on Programmes for 2008-09. Cllr Merrett spoke as Ward Councillor on the proposals for the highway maintenance surfaces programmes in his ward (Micklegate).              


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