Agenda item

Greenthwaite (07/02196/FUL)

Erection of single storey dwelling with rooms in roof to rear with access from School Lane [Rural West York Ward]


Members considered a full application, submitted by Mr B Britton and Ms J Liney, for the erection of a single storey dwelling with rooms in the roof to the rear with access from School Lane.


Officers updated that Upper Poppleton Parish Council had now made objections. A copy of these had been circulated to Members. Their objections were as follows:


·        The top end of School Lane is now within the Conservation Area and any changes should be closely monitored

·        The application was unanimously voted against be Upper Poppleton Parish Council

·        Concerns regarding traffic near the school entrance

·        Various traffic concerns and traffic impact on the local area

·        Roof profile of the proposed dwelling

·        The possibility of re-siting away from neighbouring properties

·        Access to the proposed dwelling

·        Difficulty of service and emergency vehicles accessing the properties along the lane.


Additional conditions regarding height and retention of existing trees and hedges would be included if the Sub-Committee were minded to approve the application.


The Applicant had also responded to the objectors concerns and their letter was circulated at the meeting. The main points of the letter was as follows:


·        As applicants they feel strongly about the need to maintain the rural character of the area

·        The need to protect existing hedges

·        Efforts to minimise the impact on neighbours had been taken into consideration from the outset

·        The sustainability of the proposed dwelling

·        Access


Representations, in objection, were received from a local resident who was concerned about vehicular access and various highway issues.


Representations, in objection, were received from a local resident who stated that seven out of nine residents of the lane had submitted written objections to the application. The impact of the proposed new dwelling on No. 9 would be immense as there was a substantial height difference between the two buildings and overshadowing would be a problem. He also said that the lane was unadopted, no one owned the lane and because of this the right of access could not be contested.


Representations, in support, were received from the Applicant who felt very strongly about building a sustainable property. She had concerns that if the land were sold to a developer then three or four properties may be built on the site which would not be in keeping with the area. She also said that any other access, other than the one proposed, would be detrimental to Greenthwaite or require the removal of trees which would make the house visible from the lane.


Members discussed access to the property, the width of the lane and the condition of the lane. Some Members felt that the proposed new building would overshadow No. 9 and the lane was not suitable for any additional properties. Discussions were also had regarding potential harm to the rural village character, highway safety and junction safety.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.


REASON:                  An additional dwelling taking its access from School Lane which is considered to be inadequate in terms of its width and capacity would result in conditions detrimental to vehicle and pedestrian safety, particularly at the junction of School Lane and Main Street which is situated close to a Primary School, Library and Bus Stop.


The overall footprint and height of the proposed detached dwelling would harm the rural village character and appearance of this part of the Conservation area and is therefore contrary to Policy GP1, GP10 and HE2 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan and Design Guidelines 3, 8 and 12 of the Poppleton Village Design Statement Supplementary Planning Guidance.


The proposed dwelling by reasons of its height and location would overshadow and appear overbearing to the dwelling to the north, ‘The Beehives’ and is therefore considered to harm the existing living conditions of that dwelling contrary to Policy GP1 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan.

Supporting documents:


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