Agenda item

Plot E Airfield Business Park Whitley Road Elvington York (07/01606/FULM)

Erection of 5no. industrial units incorporating 1no. single storey unit block and 1no. four unit block with car parking/servicing courtyard and associated landscaping [Wheldrake Ward].


Members considered a major full application, submitted by W M Birch and Sons Ltd, for the erection of 5 industrial units incorporating one single storey unit block and one four unit block with car parking/servicing courtyard and associated landscaping.


Officers updated that there was protected Ash tree on the site and there had been objections from the landscape architect regarding possible damage to this tree. A further eleven letters of objection had been received including one from the Yorkshire Tourist Board which commented on the following aspects of the proposed development:


·        Concerns had not been adequately addressed from the last time the application was considered

·        Noise from vehicles and the industrial units would destroy the atmosphere of the museum

·        The setting of the museum will be destroyed

·        The overall scheme has a significant, negative impact, on the memorial aspect of the museum.


Representations were received, in objection, from the Director of the Air Museum who had concerns regarding the impact the proposed buildings and associated vehicles would have on the museum and the memorial. He believed that the entire proposed development detracted from and undermined a significant national memorial. He also felt that the comments made at a previous planning meeting, regarding Unit 5, had not been sufficiently addressed.


Representations were received from Councillor R Watson, by letter circulated at the meeting, that commented on the overshadowing of the museum entrance, the memorial will be overshadowed and noise from vehicles will be overly intrusive and unfitting.


Representations were received from the Applicant who said that concerted efforts had been made to tackle the points raised previously.


Members voiced concerns regarding the relationship between the units and the memorial and felt that the proposed development compromised the memorial and failed to respect the context of its surroundings.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.


REASON:                  The development will affect the overall setting to the entrance to the Yorkshire Air Museum by virtue of the size and position of the proposed units. In particular Unit 5 will hinder views of the Air Museum and its entrance from Elvington Lane and Halifax Way which will detract from the setting and open context within which the Air Museum entrance and its buildings currently stand which in turn will harm the enjoyment that visitors currently derive from the attraction. This is considered contrary to Policy GP1, in particular parts b and e of the City of York draft local plan incorporating the 4th set of changes approved April 2005.


The position of Unit 1 will affect the setting of the War Memorial within the grounds of the Yorkshire Air Museum. This is by virtue of the height and massing of the building which will dominate the views of the area behind the memorial and consequently will be disrespectful to, and impact on the amenity and enjoyment of, those visiting and paying their respects at the memorial.


The position and size of Unit 5 will be significantly detrimental to the amenity value and natural form of the protected ash tree and which in turn may also harm its long term health and vitality. This is contrary to Policy NE1 of the City of York draft local plan incorporating the 4th set of changes approved April 2005.

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