Agenda item

Elliots Hotel 2 Sycamore Place York YO30 7DW (07/00846/FUL)

Conversion of existing hotel to 9 flats and bedsits and erection of 2 no. townhouses (resubmission) [Clifton Ward].


Members considered a full application, submitted by Mr & Mrs P Brown for the conversion of Elliot’s Hotel to 9 flats and bedsits and the erection of two townhouses (resubmission).


Officers updated that a further two letters of objection had been received which made the following comments:


·        The height and position of the new buildings will result in a loss of light to surrounding properties

·        There will be a loss of sunlight in neighbouring gardens

·        Neighbouring properties will be overshadowed

·        A possible increase in vermin in the refuse storage area

·        Parking issues


A copy of an Appeal Decision dated 18th June 2007 was circulated at the meeting for information.


Representations were received from the Applicant’s agent who stated that they already had planning permission for the same volume of building.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the following amended and additional conditions:


·        Amended Condition 5


Large scale details of the items listed below shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development and the works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


- eaves details

- typical window reveal detail showing lintel and cill

- section through abutment with the existing perimeter wall

- all new external windows and doors including lintel and reveal details

- all new openings / gates into the wall opening out onto Back Lane.


Reason:  So that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with these details.


·        Additional Condition


Prior to the commencement of the development, the developer shall submit a sustainable design and construction statement for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority. The statement shall include details of  measures to be incorporated into the proposal to ensure a sustainable form of development on the site.


                                    Reason: In the interests of promoting sustainable development and the protection of the environment.


                                    INFORMATIVE: Details could include:


Details of the water efficiency measures to be incorporated into the proposal to be submitted for approval to the Local Planning Authority.  Measures should include:


-           Duel flush WCs (4/6) litre

-           Showers with nominal flow rates less than 9 litres/minute

-           Flow restricted spray taps

-           Water meter installed

-           Water butt installed


To assist occupiers to recycle details of measures to be taken on the development to be submitted for approval by the Local Planning prior to the commencement of work.  These measures should include:


-           Adequate provision for the storage of 2 180 litre wheeled bins, recycling box and two bags.

-           Provision of a compost bin with instructions.  


REASON:     That the proposal, subject to the conditions outlined in the report and the above amended and additional conditions, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to good design and the impact on the Conservation area and street scene.  As such the proposal complies with Policies HE3, HE4, GP10, H4a and H8 of the City of York Draft Local Plan (incorporating the 4th set of changes) approved April 2005.

Supporting documents:


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