Agenda item

4 Pasture Farm Close York YO10 4PZ (06/02767/FUL)

Erection of 1 new dwelling after demolition of existing bungalow (resubmission)


Members considered a full application submitted by Eden Vale Homes for the erection of one new dwelling after the demolition of existing bungalow (resubmission).


An additional representation, in objection, had been received from Fulford Parish Council, this was circulated at the meeting. The points raised were as follows:


·        There would be negative effect on the public footpath that forms an important part of the character of the Conservation Area contrary to PPG15 para 4.9 and Draft Local Plan NE1 and HE11

·        The gap in the built up area currently allowing views from Main Street through Halfpenny Row through to the Ings will disappear if the proposed development is allowed. This view corridor from Main Street to the Ings will be blocked thus harming the streetscape of Main Street, an important part of the character of Fulford Village Conservation Area contrary to guidance in PPG15 para 4.2 and 4.14 and Draft Local Plan HE2, GP1c.

·        There would be a negative effect on views from the Fulford Ings into the Conservation area contrary to PPG15 para 4.14 and Draft Local Plan SP3, GP1e, NE2.


Representations, in objection, were received from a local resident who said that the existing building was low and modest. The proposed new building was neither of these and would not enhance the conservation area. They also felt that there was no acceptable reason to demolish the existing structure.


Representations, in objection, were received from the Parish Council who said that the development would have a negative impact on the public footpath which was bordered by old hedgerows. The current bungalow was set back whereas the blank gabled end of the proposed building would be much nearer to the road and thus have a greater impact on the area. Trees that were currently on the land did not appear on the plans and it was not clear whether these would be felled or not.


Councillor Aspden spoke, in objection, on behalf of local residents and stated that the proposed development would be within an historical village setting but would not benefit the local community in anyway. There could be no benefit to demolishing a modest bungalow and replacing it with a large and expensive two-storey house. Bungalows were needed by the local community and the development was against guidelines given in PPG15 and HE5.


Members were concerned that there had been no sustainability statement submitted and did not feel that a serviceable bungalow should be demolished to build a two-storey dwelling. They also felt that ‘glimpse’ views were an important factor within the conservation area and that a large two-storey building would have a major impact on these.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.


REASON:                  It is considered that the proposed dwelling would constitute an unsustainable form of development  that would detract from the character and appearance of the conservation area by virtue of its excessive size, scale and massing, resulting in an unduly intrusive and dominant form of development with consequent loss of views both from within and outside the conservation area. Thus the proposal would conflict with Policies HE2, HE3, GP1 and H4a of the City of York Draft Local Plan and Central Government advice within Planning Policy Guidance Note 15 " Planning and the Historic Environment", in particular the statutory requirement to consider the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character and appearance of the conservation area.

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