Agenda item

Directorate Service Plan

This report seeks the Executive Members approval for the Directorate Service Plans for Housing and Adult Social Services covering the period 2008-2011.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members be advised to endorse and approve the Directorate Plan for Housing and Adult Social Services and the associated Service Plans.


Decision of the Executive Members


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      So that the Council’s corporate and departmental objectives can be achieved.


Members considered a report which presented the directorate and service plans for Housing and Adult Social Services (HASS) covering the period 2008-2011.


The plans, which were annexed to the report, comprised a Directorate Plan, linking the work of HASS to the Council’s corporate objectives, and six service plans detailing the service aims, key objectives and performance targets.


It was noted that there were still a few amendments to be made to the Corporate Plan, including the addition of the corporate improvement priority which was led by HASS (page 3).  Officers also agreed to check whether the figures for the landlord service (page 4) included tenancies managed on behalf of Housing Associations.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members be advised to endorse and approve the Directorate Plan for Housing and Adult Social Services and the associated Service Plans.1


Decision of the Executive Members


RESOLVED: That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:      So that the Council’s corporate and departmental objectives can be achieved.

Supporting documents:


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