Agenda item
Land To The West Of 1 To 8 Garthway, New Earswick, York [22/00440/FULM]
Erection of 14no. dwellings with associated infrastructure following the demolition of 2 no. garage courts. [Huntington/New Earswick Ward]
Members considered a major full application by Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust for the erection of 14no. dwellings with associated infrastructure following the demolition of 2 no. garage courts.
The Head of Planning and Development Services gave a presentation on the plans and outlined the officer’s recommendation for approval subject to a Section 106 agreement.
In response to questions from Members on the plans, the Senior Lawyer advised on the legal position in relation to the treatment of hedges and the Head of Planning advised it would not be reasonable to include a condition on the management of the hedge by future residents. Officers further clarified that the hedge was owned by CYC, sat outside the red line boundary of the application and was currently leased and maintained by a third party.
Public Speaker
Kathryn Jukes, the agent for the applicant, spoke in favour of the application, noting that they had agreed a management plan for the hedge with CYC officers which would protect the hedge in its entirety. The ability to add solar panels through permitted development rights was also mentioned.
In response to questions from Members, the agent further clarified the position relating to the hedge confirming there were no plans to touch it. She also restated that solar panels were being considered by the Trust’s management, but she was unable to confirm that they would be included.
Following debate, Cllr Orrell proposed an additional condition for the inclusion of solar panels on the housing, with the final wording to be agreed with the Chair and Vice-Chair. This was seconded by Cllr Warters. This was put to a vote and with Members voting three in favour, four against and one abstention, the motion fell.
Cllr Coles proposed the officer recommendation to approve the application, and this was seconded by Cllr Melly. With Members voting six in favour, one against and one abstention it was therefore:
Resolved: That the application be approved, subject to a Section 106 agreement.
Reason: The proposal would provide 14 new houses all of which would be affordable housing provided by a Registered Social Housing Provider, this complies with the NPPF and draft local plan policy H10 and its aim of encouraging higher rates of affordable provision. This has very significant weight in the planning balance. The proposed design and layout are appropriate to its surroundings and will have a neutral impact on the setting of the conservation area. The demolition of the garages would be an inconvenience to the users but would not have an unacceptable impact on highway safety; due regard has been given to the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty. The impact on the living conditions of neighbouring dwellings is not considered to be harmful. Planning conditions can address or mitigate all other material planning considerations. Subject to conditions and the completion of a legal agreement to secure affordable housing, the provision of housing is considered to outweigh any identified harms and the development would accord with the NPPF, and the draft Local Plan 2018.
Supporting documents:
- Land To The West Of 1 To 8 Garthway, New Earswick, York [22/00440/FULM] Report, item 42. PDF 426 KB View as HTML (42./1) 190 KB
- Land To The West Of 1 To 8 Garthway, New Earswick, York [22/00440/FULM] Plan, item 42. PDF 3 MB
- Land To The West Of 1 To 8 Garthway, New Earswick, York [22/00440/FULM] Presentation, item 42. PDF 2 MB