Agenda item
Model Farm House, The Green, Upper Poppleton, York, YO26 6DP [23/01704/FUL]
Construction of 1no. dwelling on land to the rear of Model Farm following demolition of Nissen huts and barn with associated access, landscaping and parking and restoration of existing pole barn. [Rural West York]
Members considered a full application by Robin Garland for the construction of 1no. dwelling on land to the rear of Model Farm following demolition of Nissen huts and barn with associated access, landscaping and parking and restoration of existing pole barn.
The Head of Planning and Development Services gave a presentation on the plans, there was no update to the Officer’s report.
Public Speakers
John Davies spoke in objection to the application raising concerns over harm to the conservation area and the setting of the listed buildings, stating that there was no significant public benefit to the application. He also challenged the assessment of the number of dwellings on the site.
In response to questions from Members he stated that the church hall was used by a number of community groups, as well as the nursery. He did not expect the proposed house to provide affordable housing.
Edie Jones, Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan, also spoke in objection to the application. She stated that during the development of the plan, the Nissan huts were not considered to be suitable for refurbishment or development and the proposed building would have a negative impact on the church hall.
In response to questions from Members, she stated that the proposal would not add to the ambience and was not suitable for the site. She reported that the neighbourhood plan had taken around three and a half years to be ratified.
Jamie Pyper, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application, noting that the application sat outside the green belt and could not be seen from the village green. He highlighted the applicant’s willingness to work with conservation groups and officers and his ambition to complete the once derelict site.
He responded to questions from Members and advised that the scale of the application had been reduced to one dwelling and the replacement for the Nissan hut had also been reduced in height.
Officers reported, in response to questions from Members, that there were four dwellings on the site, with one of the buildings being treated as an annex to the main house. The annex would require planning permission should it be sold in the future. The Neighbourhood plan should be allocated full weight in the planning process. The height differential between the proposed building and the existing Nissan huts was minimal and there was no longer any agricultural use of the buildings.
The Senior Lawyer addressed comments by one of the public speakers, noting that the officer’s report identified less than substantial harm to the heritage assets which meant that the test set out in paragraph 208 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) applied, meaning the public benefit of the scheme had to be balanced against the harm.
Following a brief debate, the Chair proposed the Officer recommendation to approve the application, this was seconded by Cllr Baxter. On being put to a vote, with Members voting five in favour, two against and with one abstention it was:
Resolved: That the application be approved, subject to the conditions contained within the report.
The application is in a sustainable and
accessible location and in a predominantly residential area.
The development is judged to
lead to less than substantial harm to the character and appearance
of the Conservation Area and the setting of listed buildings in
accordance with paragraph 208 of the NPPF,
however this harm is considered to be
outweighed by public benefits for its contribution to the housing
supply in a sustainable location. In addition, the proposal is compatible in its relationship
to neighbouring properties in so far that it would
not appear overly intrusive and acceptable levels of outlook and
privacy will be retained.
The proposal, therefore subject to conditions is considered to comply to sections 66 (1) and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, polices PNP4 and PNP6a of the Upper Poppleton and Nether Poppleton Neighbourhood Plan, the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies D4 and D1 of the 2018 Draft Local Plan.
[5.52 – 5.58 pm, the meeting was adjourned.]
Supporting documents:
- Model Farm House, The Green, Upper Poppleton, York, YO26 6DP [23/01704/FUL] Report, item 41. PDF 385 KB View as HTML (41./1) 127 KB
- Model Farm House, The Green, Upper Poppleton, York, YO26 6DP [23/01704/FUL] Plan, item 41. PDF 2 MB
- Model Farm House, The Green, Upper Poppleton, York, YO26 6DP [23/01704/FUL] Presentation, item 41. PDF 995 KB