Agenda item

The Determination of an Application by Reel Cinemas (UK) Ltd for a Premises Licence [Section 18 (3)(a)] in respect of Reel Cinema, Blossom Street, York, YO24 2AJ. (CYC-013089)


Members considered an application for a premises licence at Reel Cinema, Blossom Street, York.


Members were presented with the following options:


Option 1        Grant the licence in the terms applied for.


Option 2        Grant the licence with modified/additional conditions imposed by the licensing committee.


Option 3        Grant the licence to exclude any of the licensable activities to which the application relates and modify/add conditions accordingly.


Option 4        Reject the application.


The Licensing Officer reported that the Applicant had chosen not to transfer the existing licence and had agreed readily to all conditions requested by the Police and the Fire Service. He confirmed that the Environmental Protection Unit had not made any representations and had not received any complaints relating to noise nuisance in relation to these premises in the past. He also confirmed that the premises were within the Cumulative Impact Zone and that a licence for the sale of the alcohol had not been applied for.


Representations were made at the hearing in support on behalf of the Applicant by the Applicant’s solicitor. He stated that Reel Cinemas (UK) Ltd already ran 11 cinemas. He also confirmed that late night film showings and events would be for ticket holders only and would take the form of film premières, charity events and private parties. It was confirmed that the parking facilities at the cinema would be for staff and disabled patrons and not for the general public.


Taking into consideration the representations made in writing and at the hearing, the licensing objectives and the City of York Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, the Sub-Committee agreed to grant the premises licence with additional conditions.


RESOLVED:             That, in line with option 2 the premises licence be granted with the following additional conditions and informatives:


1.      CCTV is to be installed and maintained in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s CCTV Code of Practice.

2.      Late night refreshment will be provided only to bona-fide patrons of the cinema and its staff.

3.      Suitable door staff licensed by the Security Industry Authority (SIA) will be provided to work at the premises for cinema performances commencing after 12 midnight.

4.      The maximum occupancy of the premises shall be as follows:

·        Screen 1 – 823 persons

·        Screen 2 – 111 persons plus 2 disabled

·        Screen 3 – 111 persons plus 2 disabled


5.      The Applicant shall be a Member of Retailers Against Crime in York (RACY) and Pubwatch.

6.      The Applicant shall develop a dispersal policy which shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Licensing Authority.




1.      The Sub-Committee have concerns that late night non-patrons may attempt to access the premises for refreshment and would wish door staff to be present whenever the premises are open after midnight.

2.      The Sub-Committee is concerned that the use of the car park is properly controlled and for use by staff and disabled patrons only.


REASON:                  To address the representations made in respect of crime and disorder, public safety and public nuisance.

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