Agenda item

Tang Hall Cp School Sixth Avenue York YO31 0UT [24/00857/FULM] (5.42 pm)

Demolition of existing school building. Retention of Childrens Centre. Erection of single storey school building (use class F1) with associated parking, access, play space, playing field and landscaping. [Heworth Ward]


Members considered a major full application by ISG Construction Ltd, on behalf of the Department for Education (DfE), for the demolition of existing school building. Retention of Childrens Centre. Erection of single storey school building (use class F1) with associated parking, access, play space, playing field and landscaping.

The Development Manager presented the plans and provided an update which set out an additional condition relating to the monitoring of the biodiversity net gain plan whereby the school must monitor itself and report back to the Local Planning Authority every five years for the 30 years as required by the Environment Act 2021.

In response to questions from Members on the plans, it was confirmed that there were two pedestrian and one vehicle entrance. A phased development was planned, and the school would remain open during this time.

Public Speakers

Brian Kavanagh, the agent for the applicant, spoke in favour of the application.  He noted that the developer, ISG Construction had recently gone into administration, he confirmed that the project would continue once a new contractor had been found. 

Michelle Bowling and Andrew Daly spoke in favour of the application on behalf of the Pathfinder Multi Academy Trust.  They explained the current conditions at the school and highlighted the benefits such as an expected reduction of utility bills, the increase in outdoor space and improved opportunities for children.

They responded to questions from Members, confirming their plans for the outdoor space for different key stages and noting that the parking would be consolidated into one area and included provision for the on-site children’s centre.  They also noted that the plans were constrained by the budgetary requirements of the DfE.

Officers responded to questions from Members and reported that, in relation to the parking provision, additional blue badge spaces had been included and 40 cycle spaces plus 20 scooter spaces had been allocated.  Short term visitor parking had also been included.  Provision for an accessible EV charger could be included by an additional condition. 

They also explained the flexible spaces and confirmed that paragraph 3.7 of the report covered the Public Protection response to the commercial kitchen.

Following a period of debate, the Chair proposed the officer recommendation to approve the application, subject to the conditions in the report, tabled in the update and a varied condition requested by Members for a revised drawing to show a disabled car parking space served by an EV charger.   This was seconded by Cllr Fisher.

Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposal and it was therefore:

Resolved:             That the application be approved, subject to the conditions as outlined above.

Reason:                It is considered the social, economic and environmental benefits arising from the provision of a modern, net zero carbon in operation and up to date school would outweigh the harm identified through the loss of the non-designated heritage asset. The principle of development is therefore considered acceptable.

The proposal includes the provision of a playing field and improved outdoor spaces which is a significant benefit of the scheme. The proposal includes the loss of a number of trees, however replacement planting and landscaping is proposed to mitigate the harm. Conditions can adequately address construction management, highways, parking, ecology, drainage and public protection matters.

BNG would be achieved and this would be secured via condition (biodiversity gain plan and habitat management and monitoring plan) and a S106/or condition (to secure the monitoring requirements).

The proposals accord with the provisions of the NPPF (2023) and policies contained with the City of York Draft Local Plan (2018, as amended 2023).


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