Agenda item

Land Bounding St Pauls Mews and Watson Street, York [23/01994/GRG3] (4.32 pm)

Change of use of part of recreational space to contractors compound for a period of 1no. year [Holgate Ward]


Members considered a General Regulations (Reg 3) application for the change of use of part of a recreational space to contractors compound for a period of one year.


The Development Manager gave a presentation on the plans and provided an update to the Committee which amended conditions 1 and 4 and contained an additional condition as follows:


Amended condition 1, to read


The use shall cease within 12 months of the setting out of the land as a construction compound to enable permitted works at the St Pauls Nursery site unless prior to that date the written permission of the Local Planning Authority has been obtained to extend the period of the permission.


Amended condition 4


The site shall be reinstated to its condition prior to the use having been undertaken within the first planting season following the removal of the compound. Prior to its reinstatement a scheme detailing the reinstatement works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by Local Planning Authority, the scheme shall include details of re-seeding, reinstatement of planted wildflower areas and the improvement of compacted soil.


Reason:  To ensure that the use is restored as open space land in the interests of the amenity and environmental qualities of the area.


Additional condition


Prior to the development commencing details of the measures to be employed to prevent the egress of mud, water and other detritus onto the public highway, and details of the measures to be employed to remove any such substance from the public highway shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such measures as shall have been approved shall be employed and adhered to at all times during construction works.


Reason:  To prevent the egress of water and loose material creating a hazard on the public highway.


Members sought clarification on the route from the compound to St Pauls Nursery and also how the tree protection measures were to be monitored.  It was confirmed that a route had not been submitted by the Nursery.  The inspection measures were outlined in condition 3 of the report.


Public Speaker


Jessica Loveland, a resident, spoke in objection to the application.  She raised concerns regarding the potential damage to wildlife and the long-term degradation of the site, since the area had been used previously for a similar purpose.


In response to questions from Members she made a suggestion for an alternative location for the compound.


The Senior Lawyer advised Members that they must only consider the current application.


Members asked a number of questions relating to the application and the Development Manager confirmed the following:


·        There was a second access point to the recreational area.

·        A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) had not been requested by Highways.

·        The paving and vehicle access at the entrance to the site would be managed by the construction company and the set up of the compound would be inspected to ensure compliance.


Following debate, Cllr Fenton proposed the Officer recommendation to approve the application subject to the update and an additional condition to secure measures to prevent parking on the footway.  The CYC vehicle crossing policy should also be provided to the applicant by way of an informative.  This was seconded by Cllr Melly.


Following a vote, with seven votes in favour and one against it was:


Resolved:            That the application be approved, subject to the amendments contained within the update and the additional condition and informative as outlined above.


Reason:              The proposal seeks planning permission for the temporary use of a section of the area of informal open space known as Holgate Dock as a construction site compound for the works for St Paul’s Nursery for a period of up to one year. The nursery site does not have sufficient space which is accessible by large commercial vehicles to accommodate a contractor’s compound.  On balance the temporary loss of part of the open space land is acceptable subject to any permission being conditioned to secure compliance with the measures contained in the submitted arboricultural method statement, replacement planting and site restoration.


Supporting documents:


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