Agenda item

Bradleys Farm Shop New Lane Huntington York YO32 9TB [22/01733/FULM] (4.36pm)

Erection of charity children's centre with outdoor recreation facilities to also include; landscaping, footpaths, crossings, car parking and cycle parking following demolition of existing barn and polytunnel [Huntington/New Earswick Ward]





Members considered a major full application for the erection of charity children's centre with outdoor recreation facilities to also include; landscaping, footpaths, crossings, car parking and cycle parking following demolition of existing barn and polytunnel at Bradleys Farm Shop, New Lane, Huntington, York.


The Head of Planning and Development Services gave a presentation on the application. She showed the location of the site in relation to the outline planning permission housing on New Lane. Members were provided with an update in which they were informed that there was an additional letter of support from a Ward Cllr for Huntington and New Earswick Ward. There had also been a request from the Agent for the Applicant for a change of wording to conditions 11, 15, 16, 20, 22 and 26 (Prior to commencement of development (excluding demolition), which had been agreed. The Head of Planning and Development Services showed where planning applications for parcels of land to the north of the application site were. She also noted condition 3 that the site shall operate in strict accordance with the submitted Operator Statement (dated July 2023) at all times.


Public Speakers

Diane Geogheghan-Breen (Chair of Fulford Huntington Parish Council) explained that the Parish Council objected to the application as it was in the green belt and had supported applications for housing on New Lane. She noted that there would be a further application for housing on New Lane. She expressed the Parish Council’s concern about flooding in the cemetery which would mean that there couldn’t be double graves and was impacting on the cemetery finances. She noted the Parish Council’s further concerns about car parking and a lack of public transport. She noted that if approved, the Parish Council would like to work closely with The Island. She was asked and explained that because the site was not being used for housing, in the neighbourhood plan it was agreed that there would be no further building on New Lane and the application would mean a loss of green belt.


Nigel Poulton MBE (Chief Executive Officer, The Island) spoke in support of the application, stating that it had supported over 2000 young people who had faced challenges. He explained that despite increased demand, they had limited space that impacted on it. He added that the new building would allow them to build relationships with community groups and young people participating in workshops. He explained the outdoor areas of the site noting that it would have diverse areas. He explained how the building would be used and that it would be a permanent legacy.


Nigel Poulton MBE was joined by Philip Holmes (O’Neill Associates - Planning Consultant) and Simon Pratt (SCP - Transport Planning) to answer Member questions. In response to questions from the committee they explained that:

The Island had funding for capital costs and the new centre would help support young people.

[At this point, the Chair noted that the Head of Planning and Development Services had drawn attention to condition 3].

Young people could travel independently to the site and there was public transport.

The application met 10% and sigificantly more biodiversity net gain and there was a comprehensive landscaping scheme and biodiversity management plan in the conditions.

There was a transport addendum that detailed people using the building.


Faye Simpson, a former mentee of The Island, spoke in support of the application. The explained that The Island had helped her gain confidence after she had experienced bullying. She explained how her mentor had helped her and had given her confidence to talk to people when she went to university and work.


Cllr Webb (Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education) spoke in support of the application. He explained that as Executive Member he was keen that the administration helped disadvantaged people and as Executive Member he saw the difficulties faced by young people. He noted that there was alsways a need for more community space and The Island should be seen as an asset. He noted the comments of York Civic trust, adding that there was a long list of supporters. He noted that he was happy to support the application.


Membersthen asked clarification questions to officers, who explained that :

Active travel were not consulted on the application.

There was an existing cycle lane and itw as explained where the new crossing would be.

The applicant was funding the crossings.

How the decision was made regarding the crossing with the floating island.

Only the impact of the flooding of this development could ne considered.

Condition 10 included soakaway testing.

Officers had acknowledged the previous use of the site and the application included employment use.

Regarding the £16k S106 contribution seeming low, this was because of the type of development and the highway works were conditioned. [The Chair explained that S106 funding was used for different things].

Accessible cycle space was in condition 26.

Regarding the Secretary of State’s decision to approve housing on New Lane, applications needed to be considered on their own merit and officers had looked at very special cirumstances as part of this.

The weight carried by the Neighbourhood Plan, Local Plan, and consideration of national planning policy.


Following debate, Cllr Merrett moved the officer recommendation for delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning and Development Services to APPROVE the  application subject to the application being referred to the Secretary of State and to delegate the final terms and details of the Section 106 Agreement and the final detail of the planning conditions to Head of Planning and Development Services. This was seconded by Cllr Nelson. Following a unanimous vote in favour it was;


Resolved:  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning and Development Services to APPROVE the application subject to the application being referred to the Secretary of State and to delegate the final terms and details of the Section 106 Agreement and the final detail of the planning conditions to Head of Planning and Development Services.


1.   The application seeks permission to erect a Children’s Charity Centre with outdoor recreation facilities. It is proposed to erect a two storey building, with single storey elements, of u shape form with an entrance courtyard, landscaping and parking. The site would be occupied by ‘The Island’ - a registered charity (1120420) which delivers a service supporting disadvantaged, vulnerable, and isolated young people in the city through positive mentoring relationships and activities.


2.   The application site lies within the Green Belt. The development is classed as inappropriate in the Green Belt, which is harmful by definition. Harm has also been identified to the openness of the Green Belt, urban sprawl, landscape character, loss of trees, limited bus accessibility and a parking shortfall of 6no. vehicles. The benefits of the scheme include; providing a permanent base with enhanced facilities for the Charity, opportunities for outdoor sport and recreation, public access to the site, habitat creation, environmental improvements, creation of jobs, upgrades to the existing bus stop and use of the site by other community groups. It is considered that there are very special circumstances that would clearly outweigh any harm to the Green Belt and other harm identified as required by paragraph 153 of the NPPF, policy H14 of the Huntington Neighbourhood Plan and policy GB1 of the Draft Local Plan (2018). Matters such as landscaping, archaeology, amenity, biodiversity, trees, drainage, sustainability, contamination, waste and highways are adequately addressed either within the plans or via a specific condition.


3.   On planning balance and based on the merits of this case, approval is recommended subject to the referral of the application to the Secretary of State under The Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2024 and the application not being called in by the Secretary of State for determination. The application is required to be referred to the Secretary of State as the development is considered to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt and the proposal would consist of floorspace in excess of 1000m2 (the floorspace threshold set out in the Direction).


4.   Following the referral of the application to the Secretary of State and subject the application not being called in, that delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning and Development Services to APPROVE the application subject to:


a. The completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following planning obligations:


-        £6,000 towards amending the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce the extension of the 30mph speed limit.

-        £10,000 towards City of York Council Travel Plan Support (@ £2,000/per year for 5 years)


b. The Head of Planning and Development Services be given delegated authority to finalise the terms and details of the Section 106 Agreement.


c. The Head of Planning and Development Services be given delegated authority to determine the final detail of the planning conditions.


[The meeting adjourned from 5.28pm to 5.35pm].

















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