Agenda item

Consideration of results received from the consultation to extend R23 Residents Parking Zone to include Government House Road and a decision to be made on placing limited waiting restrictions on Water End slip road (12:21pm)

This report discusses the results of the informal consultation feedback received from residents in response to a proposal to extend Resident Parking (ResPark) zone R23 (Westminster Road) to include properties on Government House Road, and determine what action is appropriate following the results.


It also considers implementation of limited waiting restrictions on Water End slip road, to limit car parking on the slip road to a maximum of 2 hours, to restrict long term parking and better support recreational users of the river area.



Resolved:  That this decision be deferred.


Reason:     In order for the proposal to be revised and brought back to a future decision session.




Officers introduced the item, a joint consideration of resident parking and parking on the slip road. They explained that the proposal addressed both issues together since addressing parking on just the slip road would displace parking onto Government House Road. This decision was simply whether or not to advertise these changes.


The executive member expressed concern regarding pavement parking on the slip road restricting access from Water Lane to the Riverside path/Orbital route, citing Google maps data and information submitted via public participation.


She stated that any parking being provided must guarantee access for pedestrians and cyclists, and expressed her desire to defer the decision in order to revisit parking/traffic on the Water Lane slip road to ensure pedestrian safety and consistency with other equivalent roads throughout the city, before bringing the item back to a future decision session to determine the residents parking issue within the full wider context.  


Resolved:  That this decision be deferred.


Reason:     In order for the proposal to be revised and brought back to a future decision session.



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