Agenda item

Called-in Item: Bus Service Review

This report outlines the reasons for the call-in of the decision made by the Executive on 20 February 2024, in respect of the Bus Service Review.  The report also sets out the powers and role of the Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee (Calling-In) in dealing with the call-in.


Members considered a report which set out the reasons for the call-in of the decisions made by the Executive on 20 February 2024 in respect of the above matter, along with the committee’s remit and powers in relation to the call-in.


The decisions were contained in the extract from the relevant Decision Sheet at Annex 1 to the report.  The original report and associated annexes A to F were attached at Annex 2.  The decisions had been called in by Cllrs Pearson, Steward and Hollyer for the following reasons:


·       The stated policy objective of the Draft Local Transport strategy is to increase bus patronage by 50% – the consultation that has been produce for the Local Bus Service Update shows that this decision would result in a reduction in bus patronage. It only proposes modifications to the services and makes no attempt to deliver on patronage uplift required in the administration’s draft transport strategy.

·       The Executive rushed through the consultation over the Christmas period which reduced the amount of engagement with the public that the consultation had generated. The report shows that the cuts proposed will lead to a reduction in patronage and the views of residents and bus users have been ignored in the decision making process.

·       The report makes no reference to the consultation on the reduction in patronage and there is no policy discussion on the effects of the reduction in bus patronage. The Bus Service Review was available in December but was not consulted on. The review contained a number of factual errors, and omissions in key details which are not a basis on which to make an informed decision. It judges accessibility just on the bus stop locations served and frequency of calls and not about where the buses go and the journeys people want to make at the times they need to make them, it does not mention or refer to the increased transport deprivation this change would cause. There is also no reference or consideration given to the 10 to 15 year plan that the council has to submit to government on their long term vision for buses in York.


The Calling-in Members, Cllr Pearson, Steward and Hollyer, each addressed the committee in turn, expanding on their reasons for the call-in and then responding to questions from Members.

The Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economy and Transport then addressed the committee regarding his decisions, and responded to questions.  Officers responsible for the report to Executive spoke to clarify aspects of their report and to answer questions. 


[5.59 – 6.01pm, Cllr Steels-Walshaw left the meeting]


Finally, Cllr Pearson summed up on behalf of the Calling-in Members and the Executive Member summed up the Executive position.


During the above process, it was confirmed that:


·       There was no government funding for concessionary fares.

·       The 1100 responses to the consultation was considered by officers to be a reasonable return, and in line with other consultations.


Under the provisions of the council’s constitution at the time the call-in was made, Members were asked to state individually whether they considered the core principles identified in the call-in request (Annex 3) had been breached or not.  The following options were available:


·       In the event of the majority of Members finding no breach, the call-in request would be immediately closed with no further action unless the Committee identifies any areas worthy of future exploration by the scrutiny function.

·       In the event of the majority of Members finding a breach, the called in decision would be referred back in full for further consideration at the next appropriate meeting of the Executive.


With five Members finding there had been a breach, and eight Members finding there had not been a breach, the call-in fell and it was:


Resolved:             That the call-in request be closed.


Reason:                To determine the outcome of the alleged breach in Executive decision making.


[6.53 - 7.01 pm, the meeting adjourned for a comfort break.]

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