Agenda item

BHE Self Storage, Self Storage Facility, Lambshill Towthorpe Moor Lane, Strensall, York [23/02117/FUL] (2.39pm)

Change of use of agricultural land to the siting of 104 storage containers (use class B8) - retrospective (resubmission) [Strensall Ward]



Members considered a full application from Simon Dunn for the Change of use of agricultural land to the siting of 104 storage containers (use class B8) - retrospective (resubmission) at BHE Self Storage, Self Storage Facility, Lambshill Towthorpe Moor Lane, Strensall, York.


The Head of Planning and Development Servicesgave a presentation on the application. The Development Management Officer gave an update on additional information for the  application noting that an additional letter of support had been received, the drainage strategy had been received and an updated Ecologist response had been received . The additional information had been assessed and the Officer’s recommendation remains for refusal on grounds 1 and 2 as set out in the public report. Refusal reason 3 could be adequately addressed via condition, therefore refusal reason 3 was deleted.


Simon Dunn, the Applicant, spoke in support of the application. He explained the history of the storage facility and the work of the Investment Manager. He explained that the loss of income from subsidies resulted in a need to diversify. He added that he had received support from the MoD and explained the background to the increase in the storage containers. He noted that if he couldn’t subsidise the conservation farming would no longer continue.


Members then asked officers questions to which they confirmed that:

There were no changes to the access road but it would be conditioned to highways specifications.

·        Parking and turning could be subject to conditions.

·        Officers had looked at the balance and did not think that the very special circumstances outweighed the harm


Cllr Steward moved the officer recommendation for refusal for the reasons outlined in the additional information. This was seconded by Cllr Melly. On being put to the vote with nine voting in favour and one against, it was:


Resolved: That the application be refused.




1.   The application site is within the general extent of the Green Belt. In accordance with paragraph 152 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the proposed development constitutes inappropriate development which is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances. The proposal conflicts with the essential characteristics of Green Belts (their openness and their permanence) and the purposes of including land within the Green Belt by resulting in encroachment of development into the countryside and to preserve the setting and special character of the city. The Local Planning Authority has concluded that there are no other considerations that clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and other harms (adverse impact on landscape character and visual amenity and insufficient drainage information) when substantial weight is given to the harm to the Green Belt. Very special circumstances do not exist to justify the proposal. The proposal is therefore contrary to Section 13 of the NPPF and policy GB1 of the Draft Local Plan (2018).


2.   The change in the character and appearance would sit at odds with its immediate context and would detract from the rural context of the surrounding area. The proposals could not be integrated satisfactorily into the landscape without some erosion of its rural character or coalescence of development that would undermine the prevailing open character and appearance. The 2.1 metre high close boarded timber fence that has been erected to the northern boundary of the development is of a domestic appearance and is considered jarring and incongruous in this location. Therefore, it is considered that the proposal would unacceptably harm the character and appearance of the area and fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and would not respect or enhance the local environment, and therefore would conflict with Section 12 of the NPPF Policies D1 and D2 of the Draft Local Plan (2018) which similarly expect proposals to respect or enhance the local environment.


[The meeting adjourned from 2.55pm to 3.02pm]


[Cllr Fisher returned to the meeting at 3.02pm]


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