Agenda item

York Central, Leeman Road, York [23/01494/REMM] (6.24pm)

Reserved matters application for layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access for the creation of a new public realm with associated infrastructure and landscaping and alterations to the existing road network pursuant to outline planning permission 18/01884/OUTM [Holgate Ward]


Members considered a major reserved matters application from Homes England and Network Rail Infrastructure Limited for the  layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access for the creation of a new public realm with associated infrastructure and landscaping and alterations to the existing road network pursuant to outline planning permission 18/01884/OUTM at York Central, Leeman Road, York.


The Head of Planning and Development Services gave a presentation on the application. She was asked and demonstrated the location of the two pedestrian crossings and cycle lanes. She also demonstrated the pedestrian, cycle and routes on Hudson Boulevard and pedestrian, cycle and bus routes.


The Development Management Officer gave an update on additional information for the  application, She noted there was an additional consultation response from design and sustainability. In addressing the concerns, relating to disincentivising pedestrians from using the cycle lane through Leeman Road tunnel, the Applicant had advised that they could introduce a level change but are concerned this could cause a safety issue.  However they considered this level of detail could be agreed at the discharge of conditions stage.


The Development Management Officer noted that that since the report had been published the Applicants had submitted an amended plan to move the northern pedestrian crossing point closer to the Bullnose/Mineral Office building to allow vehicles exiting the access to achieve an improved visibility than what had been previously presented. She detailed the concerns from highways officers about the control and traffic and interactions on the impact of this on the two-way cycle route, a pedestrian crossing and three accesses all in one small area. They had requested a road safety audit which was already included at condition 8. She gave an update on the Public Sector Equalities Duty and detailed the removal of condition 7 (replaced by condition 7.1) and amended condition 9 which  Condition 9 (which became condition 8).


Leon Guyett (Home England Project Director, York Central) spoke in support of the application as an Applicant. He noted that Committee Members would be aware that the York Central development had begun. He outlined the benefits of the application and noted that the delivery of the square was supported by other partners and would be enjoyed by the people of York.


Jason Syrett (Architect and Design Lead, York Central) spoke in support of the application as an Applicant. He detailed the design benefits of the project and explained that the design had been made after years of consultation. He noted that the square was fully accessible and included an inclusive entrance to the National Railway Museum. He added that the square used high quality materials and locally sourced materials. He added that the square would set a precedent for the design of public realm at York Central. He noted that if approval was granted they would work with officers and the square would be of a high standard.


Following speaking in support of the application, Leon Guyett and Jason Syrett were joined by









Following debate, Cllr Merrett moved the officer recommendation to approve the application. The motion was seconded by Cllr Steward. On being put to a vote, with nine votes in favourand one abstention, it was:


Resolved:   That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report, additional information, change to condition 8 for the wording to be delegated to the Head of Development and Services in conjunction with the Chair and Vice Chair and an additional condition relating to accessible cycle spaces.



1)   The principle of development of the site as public realm as part of the York Central development was approved at outline stage and the reserved matters application aligns with the approved parameter plans and design guide approved by Conditions 6 and 7. 


2)   The proposals would see a significant improvement to the appearance of the site and the fundamentals of the design appear logical given the constraints and variety of functions and roles the public realm needs to achieve.   The proposals would make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area and the wider City and are in compliance with the approved parameter plans and design guide and align with the Environmental Statement submitted at outline stage and with local and national policies.  Any matters of design detail outstanding are either covered by existing outline conditions which need not be repeated or through new conditions. 



3)   The proposals provide a satisfactory layout, appearance and landscaping which accord with the outline Design Guide and would enhance the character and appearance of this area.  The application takes account of the impact of the development on the setting of heritage assets within and adjoining the site and the setting of the Conservation Area where it is concluded that the proposals would have a positive impact.   


4)   CYC Highways Officers remain concerned with respect to some aspects of the layout and design, they have however recommended that these matters are addressed further through conditions supported by a Road Safety Audit.   Officers note the proposals are in line with what was accepted at outline stage in terms of pedestrians and cyclists linkages, access for servicing and deliveries and the lack of parking provision. 


5)   Impacts on habitats and ecology have been appropriately assessed and any outstanding matters addressed by condition. 


6)   There are no additional impacts identified with respect to drainage and flooding and it is noted that conditions at outline stage would need to be discharged. 


7)   The proposals are in accordance with the outline Environmental Statement which set out the anticipated impacts with respect to air quality, noise and contamination subject to mitigation and a series of conditions to be discharged.


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