Agenda item

York's new Local Transport Strategy & Plan

This report contains details on:


a)      the proposed targets for York’s Local Transport Strategy (Annex A)

b)      detailed policies in each of the Policy Focus Areas in the Transport Strategy (Annex B)

c)      Detailed proposals for consultation on the Local Transport Strategy (Annex C)

d)      York’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan – which is in development (Annex D)

e)      York’s Fourth Air Quality Management Action Plan (Annex E)


This information is presented to enable the Committee to refine the various plans and policies may be improved before they proceed to full consultation in November 2023, following an Executive Member Decision Session on 14 November 2023.


Officers introduced the report outlining the need to prepare a new Local Transport Strategy and Plan. It was confirmed that the plan would be for York and would inform the statutory Local

Transport Plan for York and North Yorkshire, which will be the

responsibility of the new Mayoral Combined Authority. Officers confirmed that the plan would go out for consultation before being agreed by Executive. The Executive Member for Economy and Transport asked the Committee for their comments on the plan and the proposed objectives.


The Committee enquired about how the consultation process would be conducted and how it can ensure the Council reaches hard to reach groups. Officers confirmed that once the consultation process was finished the Council would identify groups the consultation did not reach and would aim to reach out to these groups. Members highlighted the importance of encouraging model shift and asked if motorists could be considered as an important group to reach in consultation, members also asked if there would be a specific channel for councillors to engage with the consultation.


Members highlighted the importance of the new Local Transport Strategy and Plan improving accessibility to the city. Suggested improvements included improving safety around the use of e-scooters and accessing bus stops and how these integrate with cycle lanes. Members therefore requested that future safety audits ensure disabled representation. The Committee also discussed the need to require all private hire cars to be wheelchair accessible to support disabled users. Members enquired about blue badge parking and noted the proposed standard of ensuring parking would be within 150 meters of major attractions, members proposed that 150 meters could be too far for some blue badge holders and whether a 50 meter could be the standard. The Executive Member for Economy and Transport confirmed that they could explore amending the minimum distance required, but would wish to ensure a deliverable standard was set which followed legislation and guidance the Council would receive.


Improving bus travel was discussed, members suggested practices such as single ticketing, max fares, and electric timetables to improve bus travel. Tackling congestion and providing ways for buses and other forms of public transport to travel quickly was noted as key to providing an consistent service. The Committee also highlighted the need to improve bus travel in rural areas and it was confirmed that officers were exploring with providers how to maximise the use of park and ride sights, with the prospect of services not to York city centre using the sights including buses outside of the wider York area. 


The Committee also discussed the proposed 2030 target for reducing car travel by 20%. Members enquired about whether other cities had had success in reducing car travel and how they achieved this, it was confirmed that many local authorities were at a similar stage as the Council in setting their targets. Leicester was highlighted as an example with a focus on active travel having shown some success in reducing car travel.




                   i.        To request that the Executive Member for Economy and Transport work with officers to ensure the consultation reaches hard to reach groups, including running face to face sessions where needed. Also to ensure the consultation uses accessible language throughout;

                  ii.        To request that the new Local Transport Strategy & Plan seek to set high minimum standards regarding accessibility for the disabled and to explain in instances where those standards could not be meet;

                 iii.        To request that Councillor be included in the list of professionals who can respond to the consultation;

                iv.        To request that the Council continues to work with North Yorkshire County Council and the new combined authority to develop transport links between York and North Yorkshire;

                  v.        To request that the British Transport Police be engaged in traffic management policy;

                vi.        To request that greater detail be provided in the new Local Transport Strategy & Plan around targets and benchmarking to ensure the Council can monitor progress against the targets;

               vii.        To request that the consultation include options on public transport including integrated timetables, single ticketing, and daily fairs caps;

             viii.        To request that their be disability representation on the Independent Safety Auditing Committee.


Reason:    To provide the Committee’s input into the new Local Transport Strategy & Plan prior to going out for consultation.







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