Agenda item

Make it York Finance Update (6:17 pm)

To consider reports from Make It York (MIY) on the company’s financial performance since the last report in March 2023.  Included within the MIY report is a copy of the audited annual accounts for 2022/23 and an update of financial and non-financial performance for the trading period April to September 2023. Finally, a financial forecast for 2024/25 and 2025/26.


Members considered a report that highlighted Make It York’s (MIY)financial performance since the last report in March 2023. Also included within the MIY report was a copy of the audited annual accounts for 2022/23, an update of financial and non-financial performance for the trading period April to September 2023 and a financial forecast for 2024/25 and 2025/26.


The Managing Director of MIY provided a financial overview and addressed the end of year net profits. She confirmed that the Service Level Agreement between MIY and City of York Council had been updated and required Members approval, and then she highlighted the governance arrangements where the committee were informed that the Membership Advisory Board had met on three occasions and the Board would provide challenge, new ideas and an increased ambassadorial voice for the city. The Managing Director also noted that a new Head of Finance had been appointed and the financial management accounts were shared with the local authority on a monthly basis.


[Between 6:21 pm and 6:30 pm the press and public were excluded from the meeting during consideration of Appendices 2, 3, 4, and 5.]


The Managing Director was thanked for her report and it was




(i)  That the Make It York Shareholder Report at Annex A to the report, and the supporting documents from Appendix 1 to Appendix 7, supplied by MIY, be noted.


(ii) That the updated Service Specification (SLA), noted at paragraph 14 to 15, and as shown in Annex B to the report, be approved.


Reason: To ensure the council was updated on the financial

               performance of Make It York and approve the revised Service Specification.

Supporting documents:


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