Agenda item

Pikehills Golf Club, Tadcaster Road, Copmanthorpe, York, YO23 3UW [22/01074/FULM] (6.09 pm)

Redevelopment of the Pike Hills Golf Course involving importation and grading of soils. [Rural West York]


Members considered a major full application by Richard Lord for the redevelopment of Pike Hills Golf Course, involving importation and grading of soils.


The Head of Planning and Development gave a presentation on the plans and the Development Management Officer tabled an update which included a correction to paragraph 5.4 and amendments to conditions 4,5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16 and 17.  Officers also made a verbal request to amend condition 19 for the landscaping to be phased and timetabled with the precise wording of the condition to be agreed by the Chair and Vice-Chair.


Officers then clarified the plans in relation to the areas of ground to be raised and the areas for tree and shrub clearance as well as the placement of the new holes.


Public Speaker


Alastair Hoyle, the planning agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application and outlined the reasons for the required improvements to the golf course.  He explained that without the flood prevention measures, the club would find it difficult to survive.

Richard Lord, the applicant, was also in attendance to answer Member’s questions.  He responded as follows:


·       The improvements were not expected to increase either the size of the course or membership numbers.

·       They were experienced in this type of work at sensitive locations, they were fully funded and confident in their mitigation measures. 

·       They would continue to work with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust both during and after the project life.


Members then asked further questions to the planning and highways Officers present.  Officers reported that:


·       There was no expectation of increased usage and therefore no impact was expected on the existing entrance/exit.

·       The risk to the site from imported soil had been mitigated to the lowest feasible level, as condition 12 referred.

·       A condition would be added to restrict the temporary entrance to site traffic only.

·       The amendment to condition 19, dealt with the phasing of the scheme.


Following debate , Cllr Steward moved the officer recommendation to approve the application subject to the amended conditions contained within the update.  This was seconded by Cllr Fisher.  Following a unanimous vote in favour, it was;


Resolved:   That the application be approved subject to the amendments to conditions 3, 4 , 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 17 contained within the update and the amendment to condition 19 outlined above.




i. The proposal seeks to remedy existing difficulties in terms of provision of facilities and the quality of surface water drainage at the existing golf course by building upon an earlier consent from 2014 which has not been fully implemented. This involves the full implementation of the previously approved extension and the importation of approximately 350,000 cubic metres of inert soils which together with new landscape planting would re-profile the existing playing surface. The proposed development would not be inappropriate in Green Belt terms. If conditioned in detail as part of any planning permission the proposed construction site access from the A1237 is felt to be appropriate. The submitted details within the EIA and supplementary information demonstrate that the biodiversity value and hydrology of the adjacent SSSI and Ancient Woodland can be safeguarded. Notwithstanding short-term harm it is felt that the impact of the proposal upon the landscape and visual character of the wider area once the new tree planting is mature would be acceptable. It is felt that the requirements of paragraphs 180a) and b) of the NPPF in respect of development and areas of biodiversity value would be complied with.


ii. The proposal was subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment under Schedule 2 of the 2017 Environmental Impact Assessment. Impacts in respect of ecology and nature conservation, noise and vibration, air quality, hydrogeology, flooding and drainage and landscape and visual appearance were all covered in the associated Environmental Impact Statement. With the appropriate mitigations outlined together with associated draft conditions the proposal was felt to be acceptable in planning terms and approval was recommended.


[19:10 – 19:16 there was a brief adjournment, during which Cllrs Waudby and Fisher left the meeting]

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