Agenda item

Report of the York Health and Care Partnership (4:48pm)

This report provides an update to the Health and Wellbeing Board regarding the work of the York Health and Care Partnership, progress to date and next steps. The report also provides an update on the development of Humber and North Yorkshire ICB's Joint Forward Plan.



The Director of Nursing and Qualitypresented a report which provided an update to the Board regarding the work of the York Health and Care Partnership (YHCP). It was indicated that YHCP was transferring pathways of care and reducing inequalities, and it was discussed how the Council were on top of upcoming issues. She also told the board that the YHCP was the first in the Integrated Care Board (ICB) to have a population health hub.


In response to questions from members, the Director of Nursing and Quality confirmed that mental health was a priority for the YHCP, and that services were being improved all the time. She noted that a new A&E department which was opening at York hospital would provide more resources for those in crisis needing help with their mental health.


The Consultant in Public Health, City of York Council highlighted how health melas were being used to engage the public in mental health and public health discussions and help residents access health resources such as blood pressure monitoring. He noted that These were typically used more in communities where health inequalities were known to exist.


It was recorded that a School Attendance Reintegration worker would be appointed within the Learning Support Hub to work with the attendance team to understand trends on absence, and to work on helping get long-term absent children back into education.



i.                That the Joint Forward Plan be received and that the Board provided feedback on its approach that can support the ongoing development of the planning process for future iterations.

ii.               That the contents of the report and the progress made be noted.


Reason: To keep the Health and Wellbeing Board up to date with the work of the York Health and Care Partnership.


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