Agenda item

Principal York, Station Road, York, YO24 1AY [22/02629 FULM] (4.55 pm)

Members will receive a major full application by Mr Gregor McNaughton for the erection of 4 storey extension building to provide 41 bedrooms, reception/entrance space, reconfigured car parking and landscaping. [Micklegate Ward]


The Committee considered a major full application by Mr Gregor MacNaughton for the erection 4 storey extension building to provide 41 bedrooms, reception/entrance space, reconfigured car parking and landscaping.


The Development Manager provided a presentation on the application and the Development Management Officer gave an update as follows:


Additional Consultation Response

CYC Landscape Architect

The Landscape Architect notes the impact of the proposed development appears to be very similar to the proposals that have previously been approved (15/02596/FULM and 19/01322/FULM). The Planting Plan EA_1545_PL_500 Rev. A is acceptable. This comment is reflected in condition 6 and 7.

Additional Information

The following additional information has been received by the Agent with regards to waste storage and collections:

The existing waste strategy will be maintained with bins being collected from the service lift that opens up on to Station Road loading area.


In response to questions from members, officers reported the following:

·       Condition 7 could be worded to cover the new trees on the plan for the lifetime of the development, however, the trees would be protected by the conservation area.

·       Conditions 27 & 28 are in accordance with the Draft Local Plan and should not be removed as these are designed to give certainty to planners.  If the conditions were not met, developers would have to provide a report and explain why BREEAM targets were not feasible.

·       Highways had specified the use of York stone; it would be of an appropriate specification for the highway.

·       The design of the parking arrangements and the turning circle were matters for the hotel management.

·       There was considered to be no harmful impact on the city walls.


Following debate, Cllr Warters moved the officer recommendation to approve the application, with condition 7 (planting scheme) amended to remove the reference to 5 years.  This was seconded by Cllr Fisher.


With 8 members voting for the proposal and 1 abstention, it was therefore:


Resolved:             That the application be approved.


Reason:               This proposal is a re-submission of planning permission 19/01322/FULM which expired in December 2022. Minor changes to the originally approved drawings are proposed to the landscaping and lower ground floor rooms. The local plan context has changed since the original submission, in terms of the weight to be attached to draft policies and the conclusion of the main modifications consultation (March 2023). The relevant policies of the Draft Local Plan have been detailed within the appraisal. It is considered that there have been no significant changes to the policy context in the intervening period to the 2019 approval to warrant a different appraisal of the scheme, apart from the consideration of biodiversity enhancements in line with paragraph 174 (d) of the NPPF (2021).  The previous planning permission carries significant weight in the decision making process.


The application would provide 41no.additional bedrooms specifically related to the conference facilities of the hotel through a new dedicated reception point. The new building has been carefully designed to complement the existing building group whilst maintaining the dominance, setting and garden aspect of the Victorian hotel building. The development would respect the host Listed Building and its setting. Important views would be preserved and some views, such as along the main access from Station Road and from the city walls, would be enhanced within the Conservation Area. There is considered to be no harm to the setting of the listed building or the character and appearance of the conservation area. All other issues, such as archaeology, amenity, sustainability, ecology, construction and flood risk, are satisfactorily addressed either within the plans or are dealt with via a condition.


The application accords with national planning policy set out within the National Planning Policy Framework and policies of the Draft Local Plan (2018). The application is therefore recommended for approval subject to conditions.


[5:28 – 5:34 pm the meeting was adjourned for a comfort break]


Supporting documents:


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