Agenda item

NHS Property Services Limited, Bootham Park Hospital, Bootham, York YO30 7BY [21/02109/LBC]

Demolition, including Pauper Wings and curtilage buildings, internal and external alterations and new buildings in association with change of use to residential care community. Associated external works [Guildhall Ward]


Members considered a listed building consent application from Enterprise Retirement Living Ltd and NHS Property Services Ltd for the Demolition, including Pauper Wings and curtilage buildings, internal and external alterations and new buildings in association with change of use to residential care community. Associated external works at NHS Property Services Limited Bootham Park Hospital Bootham York.


Cllr Fenton proposed the officer recommendation to approve the application subject to referral to the Secretary of State and subject to an additional condition for there to be an acknowledgement to the history of the buildings to be a publicly accessible place. This was seconded by Cllr Daubeney. Following a vote with 8 in favour of the motion and 3 against, it was:


Resolved: That the application be approved following referral to the Secretary of State and subject to an additional condition for there to be an acknowledgement to the history of the buildings to be a publicly accessible place.




      i.        The Bootham Park Hospital buildings the subject of this application have been vacant since 2017.  At that stage the Council did investigate re-use of the site, which was decided against due to high costs and significant risks associated with restoring and developing listed buildings.  It is noted that the Council’s preferred option for redevelopment included demolition of Grade II, development to the north of the site and to the east of the Chapel.  The applicants were successful in bidding for the site, only at a second round of bidding, after the initial sale failed in 2019. 


    ii.        The scheme for reuse of the site does lead to harm to certain heritage assets.  NPPF advice is that, where substantial harm has been identified, consent should be refused unless such harm is necessary to achieve substantial public benefits that outweigh the harm.  The identified harm and public benefits of the scheme are set out below.  Officer’s recommendation is that in this case the harm is necessary to deliver the substantial benefits that justify the granting of consent. 


Identified harm -

·        Substantial harm due to demolition of part of the Grade II listed former pauper wings. 

·        Less than substantial harm to setting of the Grade II listed Chapel

·        A low level of harm to the conservation area due to tree loss, offset due to proposed tree planting which includes semi-mature trees.

·        Low level of harm due to replacement of estate cottages with development of larger scale.  Impact on setting mitigated due to the secluded location.


Public Benefits -

·        Substantial benefits in bringing a complex of listed buildings back into use which have been vacant since 2015.  This includes the sensitive restoration and re-use of Grade I buildings which are of exceptional importance.

·        Significant benefit of restoring the landscape, expanding its capacity for recreational use and securing public access and ongoing maintenance.

·        Restoration of Grade II boundary railings beneficial.  

·        Provision of specialist accommodation to meet an unmet identified need, with associated health and well-being facilities, recreational facilities and provision of care.

·        Housing delivery on a mostly previously developed site in a sustainable location.

·        Securing public access and replacement pedestrian and cycle routes through the site.


  iii.        The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 requires that special regard shall be had to the desirability of preserving listed buildings or their settings or any features of special architectural or historic interest which they possess, and special attention shall be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of conservation areas.  When applying the requirements of the act and NPPF paragraphs 201 and 202, the harm is necessary to achieve the benefits of the scheme, which outweigh the harm and justify granting consent. 


  iv.        Referral to the Secretary of State is required prior to determination because the Amenity Societies have objected to the application (as required by the Arrangements for Handling Heritage Applications Direction 2021).


[The meeting adjourned from 19.00 until 19.07].


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