Agenda item

Unit 2 Monks Cross Drive, Huntington, York [22/01135/FULM] (4.35 pm)

Erection of food store following part demolition of existing unit together with drive-thru restaurant both with associated access, parking and landscaping. [Huntington / New Earswick Ward]


Members considered a major full application by Lidl Great Britain Ltd for the erection of food store following part demolition of existing unit together with drive-thru restaurant both with associated access, parking and landscaping.  The Development Manager gave a presentation on the application which was followed by an update, detailed below, which was provided by the Development Management Officer.



Highways have confirmed they are satisfied with the location of the proposed customer cycle parking and the number of spaces provided. The revised layout meets CYC cycle parking standards and is an improvement from the original submission. The new layout is closer to the store in a safe and secure area with ease of access for cyclists. Staff cycle parking can be conditioned.


Change Recommendation to Delegated Authority to Approve

The applicant has requested that the content of Conditions 5 and 6 (Contaminated Land) be amended to allow for a Phase 1 ground report to be submitted in the first instance rather than a Phase 2.  The applicant states that following the results of the Phase 1, a Phase 2 could be undertaken and submitted if required.


As Officers need to take advice from Public Protection as to this request, the recommendation is amended to delegated authority to approve to allow for the relevant conditions to be amended if considered appropriate.


Amendment to Condition 25

The addition of the text “Notwithstanding the submitted plans” to the beginning of the condition 25.  This is to allow for the number of electric vehicle recharge points to be increased in order to meet the 5% requirements of the Low Emissions Supplementary Planning Guidance.


Replace condition 22

The building shall not be occupied until the areas shown on the approved plans for delivery and service vehicles, parking and manoeuvring of vehicles (and cycles, if shown) have been constructed and laid out in accordance with the approved plans, and thereafter such areas shall be retained solely for such purposes.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.


Additional conditions


Staff Cycle Parking


Prior to the commencement of the construction of the development, details of the cycle parking area for the staff, including means of enclosure, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The building shall not be occupied until the cycle parking areas and means of enclosure have been provided within the site in accordance with such approved details, and these areas shall not be used for any purpose other than the parking of cycles.


Reason:  To promote use of cycles thereby reducing congestion on the adjacent roads and in the interests of the amenity of neighbours.


Travel Plan


A travel plan, developed and implemented in accordance with National Planning Policy Guidance, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to first use of the development hereby approved.  The plan shall be updated annually thereafter.  The development shall operate in accordance with the aims, measures and outcomes of said Travel Plan. 


The travel plan shall identify specific required outcomes, targets and measures for promoting sustainable modes of travel, and shall set out clear future monitoring and proportionate management arrangements. It shall also consider what additional measures may be required to offset unacceptable impacts if the targets are not met.


Specifically the plan shall include a target that no more than 60% of staff travel to work by car alone and shall be precise in identifying staff responsible for implementation of the travel plan the associated budget.


Reason: To reduce private car travel and promote sustainable travel in accordance with section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework and policies DP3: Sustainable Communities and T7: Minimising and Accommodating Generated Trips of the 2018 Publication Draft Local Plan.


Comparison Goods


Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended or any order amending, revoking or re-enacting that Order, or the description of development associated with this permission, no more than 291 square metres net floorspace of the retail development hereby authorised shall be used for the display and sale of comparison goods.


Reason:- To safeguard the vitality and viability of the City Centre in accordance with policy R4 of the draft Local Plan.

Following questions from Members further clarification was provided regarding the landscaping and it was explained that two additional trees had been added to the plans.  Cycle access to cycle parking at the entrance to the store was also clarified, it was confirmed that the maximum standards for cycle parking had been applied.

Public Speakers

Michelle Davies, agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application.  She stated that the proposed retail unit met the requirements of the neighbourhood plan which encouraged the retention of retail units.  She confirmed that there had been no other suitable existing sites and that the travel plan aimed to reduce car use by 10%.  She also stated the benefits to the local economy in terms of providing employment and retailing lower-cost products. 

In response to Member questions she and her colleagues clarified the methodology used to model vehicle use and the impact on highways.  They explained that vehicle frequency was based on similar Lidl stores, there was between 5-10% headroom in the figures, as was standard practice.  The target for the reduction in car journeys was expected to be achieved over a 5 year period.

Members then asked questions to officers regarding the Building Regulations and carbon reduction to which they responded that the requirements of the 2021 Building Regulations would apply to the development which included a 30% reduction in carbon compared with the 2013 Regulations.

Following debate, Cllr Orrell moved the officer recommendation for delegated authority to approve the application, this was seconded by Cllr Fisher.  A vote was taken and with six votes in favour and one abstention it was;


Resolved:            that delegated authority to approve the application, as outlined in the update, be granted.


Reason:               The proposal involves the reconfiguration of an existing retail building. A sequential test has been undertaken and a retail impact assessment provided to indicate that there are no sequentially preferable sites and that the impact on the vitality and viability of the city centre will be acceptable.


The retail use is compatible with neighbouring uses and the building will have a neutral impact on the existing vacant site. Highway impacts have been assessed and a revised scheme submitted which retains the existing trees along Monks Cross Drive and details new trees within the car park.  Amended details in relation to the cycle parking provision are awaited with an update to be provided at Committee.


Technical matters can be addressed to achieve policy compliance through conditions in respect of sustainable design and construction, biodiversity, drainage, the highway network and ground conditions and pollution.  Subject to the proposed conditions, it is considered that the proposal will comply with the Huntington Neighbourhood Plan, the NPPF, and the Publication Draft Local Plan (DLP 2018) and accordingly it is recommended that the application be approved.


Supporting documents:


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