Agenda item
Taxi Licensing Policy [17:41]
This report sets out a proposed timetable for the revision, consultation and implementation of a revised Taxi Licensing Policy.
Members considered a report setting out a proposed timetable for the revision, consultation and implementation of a revised Taxi Licensing Policy. The Licensing Manager detailed the report and indicative timetable for the policy. It was noted that the draft policy met statutory and DfT standards. She was asked and clarified that:
Officers would like wider discussion on certain aspects of the policy.
If statutory standards were not met, this would need to be justified.
The suitability policy may be an issue with the trade.
Members discussed the timings of the indicative timetable for the review of the policy. A Member asked if there would be enough time to review the policy without needing additional meetings of the working group. The Chair suggested that the working group may want to consider looking at the policy in two phases, beginning with statutory standards followed by locally determined policies. The Licensing Manager was asked and confirmed that the DfT had written to the council regarding the implementation of statutory standards. The time commitment involved in the meetings of the working group was noted. The Licensing Manager was asked and confirmed that work had begun on including the statutory standards in the draft policy. It was agreed that
Members considered the following options:
Option 1
i. Ask officers to form a working party of Members and a representative of each registered Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Association to formally review the Taxi Licensing Policy.
ii. Ask Officers to formally consult on the revised Taxi Licensing Policy. Bringing the results of the consultation back to this Committee.
iii. Approve the indicative timetable for the revision, consultation and implementation of the Taxi Licensing Policy. The proposed timetable can be found at Annex 1.
Option 2
i. Determine that a working party is not required and ask Officers to formally consult on the revised Taxi Licensing Policy drafted by Officers. Bringing the results of the consultation back to this committee.
ii. Approve an amended timetable (removing the revision element) for the consultation and implementation of the Taxi Licensing Policy. The timetable can be found at Annex 1.
Option 3
i. Determine that a formal public consultation is not required, giving reason why. Ask Officer to bring the Taxi Licensing Policy drafted by Officers to this Committee to make recommendation to the Full Council.
ii. Determine that a timetable is not required.
Members then unanimously:
Resolved: That approval be given to Option 1 of the report, namely:
i. That Officers to form a working party of Committee Members (agreed as the Chair, Vice Chair and Cllr Mason) with input from the Executive Member for Housing and Safer Communities, to formally review the Taxi Licensing Policy, liaising with a representative of each registered Hackney Carriage, Private Hire Association and user groups.
ii. Thereafter, ask Officers to formally consult on the revised Taxi Licensing Policy. Bringing the results of the consultation back to this Committee.
iii. Approve the indicative timetable for the revision, consultation and implementation of the Taxi Licensing Policy. The proposed timetable can be found at Annex 1.
Reason: To formally review the Taxi Licensing Policy to make sure it is in line with the requirements of the Department for Transports Statutory Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Standards, any other statutory legal requirements and best practice.
Supporting documents:
Taxi Licensing Policy Report, item 13.
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Annex 1, item 13.
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