Agenda item
Climate Change Strategy
This report provides the Climate Change Strategy, action plan, and feedback received from the Consultation on the Strategy.
The Committee welcomed the results of the Council’s Big Conversation and thanked everyone who responded. They noted that the consultation had reached across communities and age groups in the city and acknowledged the strong level of support for action in York to address Climate Change. Members discussed how the Council could continue to engage with residents and partners across the city and discussed the role of the York Climate Commission. The Committee considered whether to ask large emitters in York to provide annual update reports on their emissions and actions to address them against measurable indicators.
Members discussed the cost of interventions as the cost of living continued to rise. Officers noted that there was a huge challenge to reach net zero by 2030, however, there were interventions that would either generate or save money especially in energy usage as the cost of energy rose. Other interventions were expected to be cost neutral and those that would cost money were stretch targets that the Council would explore as part of its action plan for potential funding and support to deliver.
A vision for how York will look in 10 years was discussed as the Committee welcomed the points made by public speakers that the Council could do more in their minds to set out a positive vision for the City. The objective of the 10 Year Plan was discussed which sort to link a series of strategies to create a vision for the city. Members discussed how the Council could support the building of a positive vision of how York could look in the future while taking interventions to reduce emissions. It was proposed that the Council look to ask residents in consultations on climate change how they would like to see York.
The Executive Summary and Five Core Principles within the Climate Change Strategy were debated as Members discussed potential amendments. The Committee asked that reference to the strategy aiming to deliver fairness and social justice and additional explanation be given to how York has reduced its emissions since 2005.
The Committee discussed encouraging cross party support for the Climate Change Strategy noting that it would go before Council for a decision and recommended that Councillors be invited to sign the strategy should it be adopted.
i. That the Committee ask that the Executive to invite large organisations operating in the city to provide an annual update on their climate impact using measurable indicators;
ii. The Committee asked that in future consultations on Climate Change with residents that the Council ask respondents for how they would like to see York in the future;
iii. That the Executive be asked to consider amends to the Climate Change Strategy as outlined below:
a) That the Executive Summary to be amended to remove ‘in York, we lead the way’ with ‘York is committed to address this’ (The Climate Emergency);
b) That the Executive Summary provide greater detail on 39% emissions reduction from 2005 with a range of reasons for this;
c) That the five core principles within the Climate Change Strategy note the importance to delivering a strategy that delivers fairness and social justice and that a focus be noted on working with local and regional partners.
iv. That the Committee ask that Executive request that all Councillors sign the Climate Change Strategy if it is approved by Council.
Reason: To support the Council to reach net zero by 2030.
Supporting documents:
10 year strategy engagement and action plan, item 12.
PDF 390 KB View as HTML (12./1) 75 KB
Annex A Draft_York Climate Change Strategy_Technical Annex, item 12.
PDF 3 MB View as HTML (12./2) 280 KB
Annex B FINAL OBC Phase 2_ Focus Group Discussions Findings Report (1), item 12.
Annex C Our Big Conversation 10 Year strategies - Consultation Results, item 12.
PDF 807 KB
Annex D OBC 10 year strategies detailed feedback, item 12.
Annex E Consultation Revision Draft_York Climate Change Strategy, item 12.
PDF 1 MB View as HTML (12./6) 214 KB
Annex F York Climate Change Action Plan_DRAFT, item 12.
PDF 733 KB View as HTML (12./7) 389 KB
Annex G Equalities Impact Assessment - Climate Strategy_v2, item 12.
PDF 694 KB View as HTML (12./8) 169 KB