Agenda item

The Deanery, Minster Yard, York, YO1 7JQ [22/00803/FUL] (5.41 pm)

Conversion of existing garages and erection of new building to apprentice’s accommodation, stone workshop and ancillary storage after demolition of greenhouse, potting shed and garden structures. [Guildhall Ward]


Members considered a full application from Alexander McCallion  for the conversion of existing garages and erection of new building to apprentice’s accommodation, stone workshop and ancillary

storage after demolition of greenhouse, potting shed and garden

structures at The Deanery, Minster Yard, York YO1 7JQ.


The Development Manager gave a presentation on the application and the Development Management officers provided an update noting the additional letter of support from York Conservation Trust and the following additional conditions:


Additional conditions


The following additional condition is recommended following the comments received from the Flood Risk Management Team:


No development shall take place until details of the proposed means of foul and surface water drainage, including details of any balancing works and off site works, have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interest of satisfactory and sustainable drainage


An additional condition requiring details of the design of the foundations to be used in the Breakout Pavilion is also recommended:


Prior to the construction of the Breakout Pavilion commencing details of the design of the foundations to be used in the building including a statement of working methods in relation to the adjacent tree (T26) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The construction of the Breakout Pavilion shall then be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: The development would be located within the root protection area of the tree identified as T26 and the design of the foundations needs safeguard this tree.


Changes to conditions

Within the published report Condition 2 (Exterior Materials) reads as:

Notwithstanding any proposed materials specified on the approved drawings or in the application form submitted with the application, samples of the external materials to be used, including the PV roof covering shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to their use in the development.  The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.


Reason:  So as to achieve a visually cohesive appearance


It is now recommended to amend the condition to read as:


Notwithstanding any proposed materials specified on the approved drawings or in the application form submitted with the application, samples of the external materials to be used, including surfacing materials of roadways and the PV roof covering of the scaffold store shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to their use in the development.  The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.


Reason:  So as to achieve a visually cohesive appearance


Within the published report Condition 17 (Occupancy Condition) reads as:


The apprentice accommodation hereby approved shall be occupied only as apprentice housing accommodation.  No person other than an apprentice registered with, and engaged in, a course of full time further or higher education or a delegate registered with and attending a part time educational course or conference within the City of York administrative boundary shall occupy the residential accommodation at any time.


The owner, or site operator shall keep an up to date register of the name of each person in occupation of the accommodation together with course(s) or conference(s) attended.  The register shall be available for inspection by the local planning authority on demand at all reasonable times.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in order to control the future occupancy of the development, as otherwise the development would involve other requirements in order to be NPPF compliant.


It is now recommended that this condition be amended to read as:


The apprentice accommodation hereby approved shall be occupied only as apprentice housing accommodation.  No person other than an apprentice registered with, and engaged in, a course of full time further or higher education and enrolled or employed by York Minster as an apprentice shall occupy the residential accommodation at any time.


The owner, or site operator shall keep an up to date register of the name of each person in occupation of the accommodation together with course(s) or conference(s) attended.  The register shall be available for inspection by the local planning authority on demand at all reasonable times.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in order to control the future occupancy of the development, as otherwise the development would involve other requirements in order to be NPPF compliant.


Officers responded to questions from Members and clarified the plans for existing trees.  They also explained that condition 20 varied the plan to provide sufficient space for 14 cycles. 


Public Speaker


Alexander McCallion, Director of Works for York Minster, spoke in support of the application.  He explained the proposed plan and spoke about the ambitions for the project.  He highlighted the roof design which had featured in the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition.  He responded to questions from Members and stated that, subject to funding, they expected to expand the apprenticeship programme.  He noted that condition 17 conflicted with the current apprenticeship plans. He also explained the plans for a green roof and rainwater capture


In response to Member questions, officers agreed to examine the wording of condition 17, in relation to who could stay in the apprentice accommodation.


Following debate, Cllr Fenton moved to approve the officer recommendation, this was seconded by Cllr Melly.  Members voted unanimously in favour and it was;




                             i.        That the application be approved subject to the additional conditions and amendments to conditions contained in the update (below).

                            ii.        Authority be delegated to officers to amend the wording of detailed design conditions.

                          iii.        To explore the wording of condition 17 with the applicant to avoid excluding visiting workers.




Section 38 (6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires planning decisions to be made in accordance with development plan. The Minster NHP forms part of the statutory development plan for the City of York; and as is set out above the proposed development is considered to accord with the provisions of the Minster NHP. Regard is had to the advice within paragraph 199 of the NPPF that when considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a designated heritage asset’s conservation (and the more important the asset, the greater the weight should be) and to the legislative requirements to give considerable importance and weight to the harm to listed buildings and conservation area. The public benefits are summarised in the earlier sections of this report above. The proposed development will give rise to varying degrees of harm to various designated heritage assets and the Conservation Area. It is on balance, considered that these less than substantial harms would be outweighed by the public benefits the proposals would bring about even when giving great weight to the conservation

of these assets. The proposals would deliver a very clear objective of the Minster Neighbourhood Plan. The proposals would also facilitate the delivery of the Centre of Excellence for Heritage and Craft Skills.






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