Agenda item

York Wheelchair Centre, Bluebeck House, Bluebeck Drive, York YO30 5RA [22/00707/FULM] [17:00]

Erection of 72no. bedroom care home (use class C2) with associated landscaping following demolition of Blue Beck House and outbuildings [Rawcliffe And Clifton Without Ward]


Members considered a major full application from Torsion Care (York) Limited And NHS Property Services Ltd for the erection of 72no. bedroom care home (use class C2) with associated landscaping following demolition of Blue Beck House and outbuildings at York Wheelchair Centre, Bluebeck House, Bluebeck Drive, York.


The Head of Planning and Development Services gave a presentation on the application. The Development Management Officer gave an update advising that there had been additional consultation with the housing strategy team who had no objections. There had also been a revision to condition 2 – plans.


Public Speakers

Ian Ward, Agent for the Applicant, spoke in support of the application. He explained that the Applicant, Torsion Care, would develop, build and operate the care home. It would bring jobs to the local economy and would be a fit for future care home. He explained how it would be operated. He noted there was a lack of care beds and the energy efficiency measures of the application. He was asked and explained that it was unlikely that residents would have cars and the spaces provided were for visitors and staff.


Officers were asked and confirmed that there was nothing to stop the operators of the care home saying that residents could not have a room if they had a car. It was also confirmed that the PU panels had come as an offer from the applicant.


During debate Cllr noted a non-prejudicial interest as an employee of the NHS. Cllr Baker proposed the officer recommendation to approve the application with the revision to condition 2 - plans. This was seconded by Cllr Pavlovic and following a unanimous vote it was;


Resolved: That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the report and revised condition 2: Plans


Condition 2: Plans

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans and other submitted details: -


Location plan

Proposed elevations  3165-HIA-01-XX-DR-A-0301 P04, 3165-HIA-01-XX-DR-A-0302 P5 and 3165-HIA-01-XX-DR-A-0303 P3 

Proposed floor plans  3165-HIA-01-00-DR-A-0201 P5,  3165-HIA-01-01-DR-A-0211 P5 and 3165-HIA-01-02-DR-A-0221 P5 

Proposed roof plan 3165-HIA-01-03-DR-A-2701 P4

Proposed site plan  3165-HIA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-0103-P8

Proposed landscape plan  R3-509-03-LA-01C

Proposed boundary treatment plan  3165-HIA-ZZ-XX-DR-A-0107-P2


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.



     i.        Detailed issues related to the design and form of the building, access, landscaping, and biodiversity have been resolved and are considered to comply with relevant policies. In addition, issues of neighbouring residential amenity are considered to be addressed in the design and siting of the building is relation to existing properties. The proposal complies fully with the requirements of policy H9 in relation to older persons accommodation in meeting an identified need, being well designed and in an accessible location by public transport.


    ii.        The site falls within the general extent of the Green Belt and the scheme is considered to be inappropriate by definition. However, officers consider that the proposed very special circumstances are sufficient to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt through inappropriateness and other identified harm, including the loss of the non-designated heritage asset, in accordance with para.148 of the NPPF. It is particularly noted that there is a significant need for older persons accommodation in the city. In addition, the site is identified, within the evidence base documents for the draft Local Plan, as not serving any Green Belt purpose and is therefore intended to be removed from the Green Belt following adoption of the Local Plan.


  iii.        The proposal is considered to comply with relevant policies of the draft Local Plan and represents an appropriate re-use of this brown field site.


[The meeting adjourned from 17:10 to 17:18]

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