Agenda item

Report of Executive Leader, Questions, and Executive Recommendations (7:15 pm)

To receive and consider a written report from the Leader and ask questions on the work of the Executive, and to consider the Executive recommendations for approval, as set out below:










16 June 2022



Minute 13:Capital Programme Outturn 2021/22 and Revisions to the 2022/23 - 2026/27 Programme




A – Executive Leader’s Report


A written report was received from the Executive Leader, Cllr Aspden, on the work of the Executive.


Members were then invited to question the Leader on his report.  Questions were received from the floor from the following Members in relation to the subjects listed, and replied to as indicated:


Local Plan Progress

From Cllr Pavlovic: As Vice Chair of Fulford Parish Council do you disagree with the parish council’s view, as expressed at the Phase 2 hearings, that the Local Plan is illegal and unsound?

Response: Yes.

[Supplementary: Were you at any of the Fulford PC meetings when that position was being taken and did you vote against it?]

I was at some of the meetings but not all and I would either have voted against or abstained, and made it clear that although I understood the views of some other parish councillors I personally felt that getting the Plan adopted was of over-riding importance, and not doing so would risk the government taking over and bringing back a Plan that no resident wanted. 

From Cllr Warters: Are you willing to commit to fulfilling the will of Council (as per the motion approved in December 2021) and alleviating the concerns of residents by amending the policy on HMOs to reduce the accessibility threshold for HMOs in York, given the inspectors’ confirmation at the hearing this afternoon that this will not result in the collapse or delay of the Local Plan?

Response: I cannot comment on this afternoon’s hearing as I wasn’t there.  A report came to Executive following that motion which sets out the position and the way forward.  You could ask Cllr Ayre later, as he will be more sighted on the Local Plan. 


Health Inequalities in York

From Cllr Douglas:   The Leader will have received the briefing on health inequalities in York which stated that 40% of health differences are due to economic factors.  Can he explain why there is nothing in the economic strategy to address this, and what is to be done?  

Response: Inclusive growth is an important part of the strategy, which acknowledges this issue.  A lot of work is being done on the draft Health & Wellbeing Strategy and on creating a new York Health Place, ensuring that the strategy focuses on priorities for York and the challenges around healthy life expectancy.  The integrated care system will be a good opportunity if we can ensure that funding and decisions are at a level that matches York’s priorities. Email me outside the meeting to link in to discussions with Cllrs Runciman, Waller and Mason on this important matter.


Financial Support for Residents

From Cllr Fenton: Significant resources have been invested by the council; what message are we sending to government to press the case for stability in funding not just to deal with current crises but in longer term local government finances?

Response: The impact of the pandemic on council finances and services has come on the back of years of hard challenges.  So it is right to make the case, through the LGA and other organisations, for that long-term certainty needed to deliver important services and support to residents.  We have joined a group led by Leicestershire County Council which has highlighted that the funding formula is not good for several councils including York, and we will continue to make that case.


York’s Bid for GBR

From Cllr Wann: It was good to see York being shortlisted as a potential site for GBR; what are you doing personally to secure this and when will we hear the result?  

Response: I don’t know when we will hear; hopefully by the end of the summer.  We are doing all we can to make sure of a ‘yes’ result to the consultative vote, including working with partners on communications and community engagement.  It’s also about making sure we hit the  government criteria, and there will be a ministerial visit in July, which is an opportunity to showcase York and how it could become an internationally recognised rail hub.


B – Executive Recommendations


Cllr Aspden moved, and Cllr D’Agorne seconded, the following recommendation contained in Minute 13 of the Executive meeting held on 16 June 2022:


Capital Programme Outturn 2021/22 and Revisions to the 2022/23 - 2026/27 Programme


Recommended:  That Council approve the re-stated 2022/23 to 2026/27 programme of £525.049m, as summarised in Table 3 at paragraph 97 of the report and detailed in Annex A.


Reason:     to enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.


On being put to the vote, the recommendation was declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved:  That the above recommendation be approved.1

Supporting documents:


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