Agenda item

Clifton Park Treatment Centre NHS North Yorkshire and York, Bluebeck Drive, York YO30 5RA [22/00192/FUL]

Installation of temporary theatre unit, storage cabin and additional car parking [Rawcliffe and Clifton Without Ward]





Members considered a full application from Ramsay Health Care UK Ltd for the installation of temporary theatre unit, storage cabin and additional car parking at Clifton Park Treatment Centre NHS North Yorkshire and York Bluebeck Drive, York.


The Development Management Officer gave an update on the application noting comments from the Flood Risk Manager, additional condition 11 and amendments to conditions 2 and 4. The Head of Planning and Development Services then gave a presentation on the application.


In response to Member questions Officers confirmed that:

·        36 car parking spaces wad been gained on the site and these were needed for throughput for the theatre unit. There had also been a lack pf car parking spaces on the site.

·        The facility would be used by NHS York and would be maintained by Ramsay Healthcare.

·        There was already disabled car parking spaces on the site and take up of these were low.

·        The land the car park was being built on was clay and it would be built on a retention tank. There was also a hydro drain.

·        The car park was to be made out of permeable tarmac and water would drain through to a retention layer. There would also be lighting controlled by a timer which would turn off when the hospital was closed.

·        The lighting would be downward lighting.

·        When the development was finished it would be returned to its original state.

·        The protection of hedgehogs was not included as an informative as hedgehogs were not included in the countryside act.

·        The area for car parking would be classed as green belt.

·        The Head of Planning and Development Services clarified that it would not be reasonable to condition to restrict the use of the theatre unit to the NHS.


Steve Daniels and Andy Holt were in attendance at the meeting to answer questions on behalf of the applicant. They confirmed that the Ramsay Health were paying for the carpark and the rest by the NHS.


Following debate Cllr Looker moved the officer recommendation to approve the application, with additional condition 11 and amendments to conditions 2 and 4 as detailed in the officer update. This was seconded by Cllr Doughty.  Members voted 5 in favour of the motion, with two against and two abstentions. It was therefore:


Resolved: That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and condition 11 and amendments to conditions 2 and 4:


Additional condition 11: Prior to first occupation, the suitability of the proposed surface water outfall, the means of surface water disposal shall be ascertained by way of site specific CCTV drainage survey, to its discharge point to watercourse to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.  If the outfall is proven to be suitable, surface water drainage shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted drainage strategy detailed on plan – Proposed Drainage Layout - Re: 228000-BGP-01-00-DR-D-52-130 Revision FC dated 30th May 2022 by Billinghurst George & Partners. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the development will be implemented in strict accordance with the details thereby approved.


Reason:  To ensure that the site can be safely and effectively drained and to secure compliance with Policy GP15a) of the York Development Control Local Plan.


Amended Condition 2: The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans and other submitted details:-


Location plan

Proposed site plan  6687-P04 F

Proposed ground floor plan  6687-P05 E 

Proposed elevations 6687-P06 A

Portastore elevations  PSN6-171 

Tree protection plan  BA11219TPP P 

Biodiversity enhancement plan (Dryad Ecology Dated May 2022)

Bird protection plan

Proposed Drainage Layout - Re: 228000-BGP-01-00-DR-D-52-130 Revision FC dated 30th May 2022 by Billinghurst George & Partners


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


Amended Condition 4: The hours of construction, loading or unloading on the site shall be confined to 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 13:00 Saturday and no working on Sundays or public holidays.


Reason: To protect the amenities of adjacent residents.




     i.        The above report outlines how the proposed development, subject to conditions, can be compliant with the NPPF with regards to impacts upon the highway network, sustainable travel, biodiversity, flood risk and drainage.


    ii.        At present the site is considered to be within the general extent of the Green Belt. As a result the proposal is considered inappropriate by definition. Further harm has been identified as a result of the impact on openness of the new building and the proposed car park. The car park introduces development, albeit in a relatively modest form, into an area previously undeveloped and will therefore cause harm to the Green Belt purpose of safeguarding the countryside from encroachment.


  iii.        Paragraph 148 of the NPPF requires that substantial weight is given to any harm to the Green Belt. ‘Very special circumstances’ will not exist unless potential harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm is clearly outweighed by other considerations.  These other considerations take the form of a known and urgent need for additional operating theatre capacity to address NHS waiting lists as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. It is considered that this provides the justification to clearly outweigh the harm through inappropriateness, and other identified harm, as required by paragraph 148. The application is recommended for approval subject to planning conditions.



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