Agenda item


To approve and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 7 October 2021, 4 November 2021 and 2 December 2021.


Members were informed that it was a virtual meeting being held remotely at which the Committee would make a recommendation which would be ratified by the Chief Operating Officer.


The Director of Governance (and Monitoring Officer) explained that the decision to revert to holding council meetings remotely was taken at the end of December in light of public health advice on COVID. She advised that this was an informal meeting and that decisions would be made by the Chief Operating Officer. She added that the meeting arrangements were being kept under review by Group Leaders, the Leader of the Council, the Chief Operating Officer and public health.


A Member expressed concern about the legal status of the meeting and asked if the Chief Operating Officer was required to follow Committee recommendations. He asked for reassurance on this from the Monitoring Officer and Senior Solicitor. The Director of Governance (and Monitoring Officer) explained that it was an informal meeting that would be used in consultation with the Chief Operating Officer in his decision making. She added that he had indicated that he would follow Members recommendations. She advised that the Council’s Constitution allowed for the Chief Operating Officer to make decisions. She noted that if the Chief Operating Officer had concerns regarding recommendations being put forward, he could ask for further consultation with Members. She then clarified that this was an informal meeting to make recommendations to the Chief Operating Officer. She confirmed that she was satisfied that the meeting could go ahead and the legalities of it.


A Member requested that the Public Participation agenda item should be taken before the Minutes agenda item. Cllr Ayre proposed and Cllr Daubeney seconded the following amendment to the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2021 (minute 49 paragraph 13 of the minute for the Os Field 2800, Eastfield Lane, Dunnington, York[20/01626/FULM] application:

After members voted, the Chair commented on his reasons for abstaining which some other members considered to pre-determine him for future applications.


Concerning the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2021, Cllr Daubeney proposed the removal of his name from the attendance list and to be added to the apologies list. The Chair proposed a further amendment under Declarations of Interest of those minutes to amend the last sentence to:

The Chair noted that Roger Pierce, registered to speak on the item, was a senior officer at a council that the Chair was a Council Member of, and as such, the Chair would leave the meeting for that item with Cllr Pavlovic, Vice Chair, taking over as Chair for that item.


Concerning the minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2021, a Member asked for clarification on the final bullet point of the minute for the Os Field 2800, Eastfield Lane, Dunnington, York

[20/01626/FULM] application regarding consultation with Ward Councillors and local Parish Councillors on Construction

Environment Management Plan. At this point in the meeting, a Member expressed concern regarding the amendment to minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2021 (minute 49 paragraph 13 of the minute for the Os Field 2800, Eastfield Lane, Dunnington, York [20/01626/FULM] application that had been moved by Cllr Ayre.


[At 16:52 Cllr Waudby asked if she could turn off her camera as she had internet network issues. She then turned off her camera and remained present at the meeting with her camera off].


A Member requested that each proposed amendment be taken one at a time. A further Member agreed with this approach.


Cllrs Ayre and Daubeney confirmed their acceptance of the further proposed amendments to the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2021.


Concerning the question regarding consultation with Ward and Local Parish Councils, it was clarified that Ward Councillors and local Parish Councillors would be made aware of Construction Environment Management Plan. Cllr Ayre proposed this as an amendment to the minutes.


The Director of Governance (and Monitoring Officer) advised that she had observed the meeting held on 7 October 2021 and she confirmed that the proposed amendment from Cllr Ayre addressed the meaning of what was said. In response to a request from a Member Cllr Ayre repeated his proposed amendment. 


A vote was then taken with seven Members for, five Members again and two abstentions that it be:


Resolved:  That the Chief Operating Officer;


     i.        Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2021 subject to the following amendments:

·        Paragraph 13 of the minute for the Os Field 2800, Eastfield Lane, Dunnington, York [20/01626/FULM] application to change to:

After members voted, the Chair commented on his reasons for abstaining which some other members considered to pre-determine him for future applications.

·        Final bullet point of the minute for the Os Field 2800, Eastfield Lane, Dunnington, York [20/01626/FULM] application to change to:

It was not considered reasonable for the Construction

Environment Management Plan for the development to be brought to the ward councillors and local parish council for consultation before approval since the decision was solely to local planning authority’s to make, although they could be made aware.


    ii.        Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 2021


  iii.        Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December 2021 subject to the following amendments:

·        Removal of Cllr Daubeney from the attendance list and add to the apologies list.

·        Under Declarations of Interest of those minutes to amend the last sentence to:

The Chair noted that Roger Pierce, registered to speak on the item, was a senior officer at a council that the Chair was a Council Member of, and as such, the Chair would leave the meeting for that item with Cllr Pavlovic, Vice Chair, taking over as Chair for that item.




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