Agenda item

Options for the Selection of the Children and Young People's Champion

This report reviews the process used in 2006 to select a Champion for Children and Young People and seeks views from the Young People’s Working Group on whether there is a need to introduce any changes into the system for 2007.


Members considered a report regarding the selection of the Children and Young People’s Champion


Officers reported that manpower in the department had decreased dramatically and Option 1 in the report would be very difficult to implement as it would need the equivalent of another full time employee to instigate. It was reported that there were already very tight time constraints on schools and running an election would be extremely difficult. Therefore option 2 was the preferred and recommended option.


The following points were raised and discussed:


·                    Some Members felt that did not have a problem with appointing an independent person as Champion

·                    Members felt that Option 1 was the better option

·                    Members had very positive views regarding holding elections for the Children’s and Young People’s Champion and felt that the whole process should be run as if it were a real election

·                    The general agreement was that, if an election were held, it must be run properly, however costly, as it was an aid to  preparing young people for democracy when they leave school

·                    Some Members believed that young people putting themselves forward for this post would need a clearly defined freedom to campaign

·                    Some Members thought that an independent person would not be able to push an agenda forward

·                    Some Members were of the opinion that there were other opportunities for an independent person to represent youth topics

·                    It was very important to investigate other voting alternatives such as online voting or texting

·                    It was important to try and reach as many young people as possible

·                    The difficulty children had accessing computers at school; during lessons use of IT equipment was restricted to lesson related material and during break times the computers were often out of bounds therefore it was thought most children who used online voting (if this was introduced)would be using a home computer.

·                    Some Members thought that the selection/election process should be channelled through schools if at all possible

·                    It was generally felt that the process of changing the Constitution to allow an independent person to be elected would be too time consuming


The report set out the following options:


Option 1:       Full election process run in all schools

Option 2:       Hustings at the school council conferences followed by a simpler voting process in schools

Option 3:       Election at the primary and secondary school council conferences


RESOLVED:             That the Members of the Young Person’s Working Group make the following comments to the Executive Members for Children’s Services and Youth and Social Inclusion:


1.                  That, due to the Council’s Constitution, the Children’s and Young People’s Champion should be an elected Member, as the Constitution could not easily be changed

2.                  That Councillor Scott’s term as Children’s and Young People’s Champion be extended until May 2008 until the process of selection has been approved

3.                  That the election of the Children’s and Young Person’s Champion be moved to May rather than October

4.                  That Officers bring a report to the next meeting of the Young Person’s Working Group regarding other options for the selection of a Children’s and Young People’s Champion including the possibility of electronic voting, making option 1 in the current report more feasible (especially financially)


REASON:                  This ensures a cross section of children and young people have an opportunity to talk with the candidates face to face as well as extending the option to vote to the maximum amount of children and young people.

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