Agenda item

7:30pm Have Your Say and any other business


The Chair invited residents and partners to stay for the next portion of the meeting on Ward Budgets, Ward Funding and Ward matters, or gave the option for others not interested in staying for those parts to leave the session meeting. Some residents left the meeting at this point.


The Chair opened the final item of Have Your Say and AOB

Item 4 – Have Your Say and AOB


       i.            A resident commented that you can report ASB to City of York Council as well

     ii.            The Chair reviewed the Minutes from the previous meeting and raised actions that had occurred since.

A.   Shiona Marsh explained the process of Ward Funding and offered contact details to anyone interested in applying for Ward Funding. SM also confirmed that posters had been publicised around the Guildhall Ward to spread the message that Ward Funding is available and the ward is open to applications.

  iii.            A resident asked about what ward funding was available

A.   The Chair and Shiona Marsh confirmed that Ward funding is available and that there are details online or Shiona Marsh can be contacted regarding any queries about applying.

   iv.            A resident asked about the HEIP process and for it to be broken down

A.   Cllr Denise Craghill explained the funding and asked Shiona Marsh for comment. Shiona Marsh explained that Housing Environmental Improvements Programme is a 4 year programme running from 2019-2023 and explained the unexpected delays to scheme delivery as a consequence of COVID delaying process of consultations, material shortage and understaffing due to HGV shortage and the need for Contractors to undertake works as consequence. She reassured residents that they can email for an update and that unless Councillors did not approve a scheme or a scheme was found not viable, then any current schemes would be delivered within the period of 2019-2023. Shiona Marsh offered herself or a Housing Management Officer as a point of contact about HEIP.

B.    Councillor Looker added that the Guildhall Ward Committee is happy to share updates with residents and that they have two meetings set in the diary for updates on the ward’s HEIP schemes and Highways schemes.

     v.            A resident from Groves Association asked about their meeting

   vi.            A resident from Walmgate Community Association raised similar comments

vii.            There was a brief discussion on Resident Associations, the guidance from Julie Hood and the Housing team, their constitutions and voting practices and the support offered by City of York Council to use Zoom or in-person meetings.

A.   Cllr Craghill confirmed the process of HEIP and RAs. SM offered to follow this up and get back to the residents in question.


The Chair called for Any Other Business


       i.            A resident came forwards as a cyclist and said that they often confronted broken glass, perhaps due to the Christmas Market and expressed concern over potential hazard

a.      Another, part two AOB from the same resident was about the coach park at Clarence Street with concern for the flowerbeds being used anti-socially for public urination.

A.                     The Chair explained that Make It York may be able to address both of these concerns

     ii.            A resident raised a concern about the land by the bus stop near the BT patch of land being used for ASB

A.   The Councillors said they were aware of the issue and would look into it.


The Chair thanked everyone for attending and raising their comments. The Chair drew the meeting to a close at 8pm.






---------------------------MEETING ENDS---------------------------



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