Agenda item

7pm Safer Communities update from the Police


Item 3 – Safer Communities, Supt. Mark Khan, Senior Operational Commander


Chair explained that there will be a plan for a Summit where these issues and cases can be discussed in more detail for those residents affected. Chair introduced Supt. Khan.

Supt. Mark Khan explained that Guildhall ward is split into two neighbourhood teams – one for the inner city and one for the outer city parts. Supt. Khan explained that the focus of their resource had been on investigation rather than location policing. Police are now looking to move towards prevention and early intervention and he outlined the three steps to get there:

1.     Change – culture, partners and community

2.     Intelligence and information

3.     Pathways – signpost to agencies and connecting services

This would lead to a place-based working approach, which focuses resource to identify places and then resource those needs identified in those places. This place-based working approach would enable them to map resources and York and Selby Command are working with Alison Semmence from York CVS (not present) on this approach.

Guildhall is the busiest ward in York and busiest in area other than Scarborough

NYP want to build relation with community and partners.

Supt. Khan knows that there is a gap in service. Investigations are resource-intensive, complex and high demand.

The move to community policing is because it’s what the public want.

Supt. Khan and the Chair then opened the floor to questions, with Paul Morrison on ASB Hub and Lee Pointon from NYP also offering their expertise. Answers indicated by ‘A’ are answered by Supt. Khan unless stated otherwise:

                               i.            Comment from a resident that residents see very little of police in Walmgate and worries about misuse of police resource. Resident claims the Police Officers stand and do nothing

A.   Supt. Khan explained that some investigations can need some 5 or 6 officers at any one scene, and assured the resident that the police officer in question would have been doing something and performing their role.

                             ii.            Comment from resident about ASB, drug using, dealing and public urination, near where resident lives and this is upsetting. Resident complained of seeing police PR exercises - resident doesn’t see them policing and meeting needs of public

A.   Supt. Khan explained that the ‘PR exercise’ the resident had seen is an actual role as part of the police’s counter terrorism strategy. Supt. Khan elaborated that really the police are doing good work, there has been an increase in more confidence reporting to police and, though that can sometimes look like crime is up, and it’s just being reported more often. Supt. Khan explains to the residents that it’s unlikely that they would see on the street all the work the police do. Not all police work is visible. Supt. Khan then explained that he understands it is important for legitimacy for the public to see police. He said, let’s work together to identify community groups and improve communication. There is a requirement from public for police to be seen, and so Supt. Khan encourages PCs to say what they are doing.

Cllr Craghill said that on public urination, Paul Morrison can input on ASB and reporting

Paul Morrison said that the ASB Hub can spread the message that this is unacceptable and will not be tolerated and can use reports to build up a case file to take to Court.

Cllr Craghill thanked Paul for his comment and asked how they can get the evidence they need for this

Paul Morrison said to report what you see to the police, they will be able to see those reports.

                          iii.            Comment from resident about ASB at Clarence Street. Resident said that there is ASB and drugs at all times there. This and similar behaviour is spilling into residential areas. Resident recalled that there was ASB and drugs even at 6:30pm one day at a bus shelter and resident was worried about local children seeing this.

                           iv.            Concern from resident about Clarence Street. Resident explained they feel afraid using bus shelters and feels intimidated by ASB.

A.   In response to these two questions about ASB on Clarence Street, Supt. Mark Khan explained that the police have devoted loads of resource to Clarence Street. There was a discussion about the timeline of events leading to the deaths by Markham Crescent, with the mention of Supt. Khan and PO Lee Pointon stepping up Arclight enforcement, which displaced and dispersed the issue. Supt. Khan would like a partnership meeting on this issue as they have resourced but they have not had any results

                                                                                     i.      Resident addition: Resident said they certainly have not seen additional resource on the ground

                                                                                   ii.      Spt. Khan confirmed that they have resourced this

                                                                                iii.      Resident responded that they wouldn’t think to phone the police as police don’t do anything.

                                                                                 iv.      Supt. Khan said that both housing and police were involved. On the back of the 999 and 111 calls, work has resulted from those calls and work did happen, they are responded to.

                                                                                   v.      Lee Pointon added that residents can report ASB online or via email. He said he needs as many calls as you can about this so that he can then resource it. Lee Pointon explained that he understands the frustrations of residents and encouraged everyone to keep talking, keep reporting and keep calling.

                                                                                 vi.      Cllr Fiona Fitzpatrick expressed her gratitude for their answers

                                                                              vii.      Cllr Janet Looker re-iterated that the police need this data from residents and the public, and ringing in will let more resource be decided to address the issues and it will be recorded on the system (with the reflection of the calls and reports)

                                                                           viii.      Councillor Janet Looker then said that the no alcohol zones for Walmgate and for the Guildhall Ward need renewing and express concerns for drinking and for dispersal of the problem

                             v.            Comment from a resident about a new facility for offenders- those released from prison, located on Monkgate nearby a local school and wanted to know if people knew about this

A.   Cllr Fitzpatrick confirmed that they had heard about this concern from the resident at an earlier date, and had looked into this on behalf of that resident. Cllr Fiona Fitzpatrick confirmed that she had investigated the goings-on of the site and went for a visit there as well. Cllr Fitzpatrick said that everyone who attends in the day time has been vetted. It is a rehabilitation service and Cllr Fitzpatrick was impressed with what they are doing there and passed on the organisation’s apologies for any lack of information.

                           vi.            Resident from Markham Crescent said that they have had no contact whatsoever to tell them that there was a murder 5 doors down from their house. The resident expressed concerns that they have had very little interaction from police.

                        vii.            A resident asked who manages Changing Lives and what has their role been regarding recent events in the area

                     viii.            A resident explained that they had contacted 999 but had not yet heard back, they said that this was not good and not responsive neighbourhood policing.

A.   In response to the above concerns, Supt. Khan responded that the police must address this and the gaps in communication with the community. Khan explained that the police are excellent at responding in a crisis however it is not good to hear that no one has been round to knock on every door (on Markham Crescent)

                           ix.            Councillor Fiona Fitzpatrick asked for the locks to be changed on the alley gates and Councillor Denise Craghill confirmed she would investigate getting the codes changed and wanted confirmation of which gates specifically. The residents confirmed to Cllr Craghill that both sides of Markham Crescent need the gate codes changing.

                             x.            A resident raised the concern that the community need a way of communicating so that they can be informed of things that are happening behind the scenes. The resident stated that the community of Markham Crescent and surrounding area feel that Police do not act on their resident reports. The resident also expressed support for the Chair’s plan for a Summit to discuss this topic in more detail.

                           xi.            A concern was raised by a resident about the off-licenses on Wigginton Road conducting sales of alcohol to people who appeared ‘already drunk’ or intoxicated. They were concerned about the opportunity for intoxicated individuals to purchase more alcohol.

A.   Councillor Fiona Fitzpatrick commented in response to the resident’s concerns on alcohol and off-licenses that there have been cases of off-license staff facing a challenge or danger during sale of alcohol.

A.   Supt. Khan responded to the concerns above that he would raise this with Licensing.


The Chair then asked for any more questions to come forwards now, as the meeting had overrun past its allotted slot. The Chair reassured residents that there was a plan for a Summit if they were in support of this.


                                           i.            A resident asked Supt. Khan how the Police intended to change to improve for the better of the community

                                         ii.            A resident commented that on their way to this meeting this evening (22nd November) they saw these same issues mentioned previously occurring on their way in at Clarence Gardens.

a.      Supt. Khan responded to the above residents that they would investigate the reports with Licensing, and would also move towards a place-based policing approach and police would be able to resource areas. Supt. Khan re-iterated that Guildhall Ward is a priority ward for them and agreed that issues on cycling and the enforcement of this must be in partnership. Supt. Khan then explained that the Police are effective as a short-term action and for long-term solutions, the Police need the support and commitment from partners.


The Chair thanked everyone for their comments and responses and thanked Yorkshire Housing Association for attending the meeting. The Chair reminded residents of the plan for a Summit.


Final comments from the Police representation of Supt. Khan and Lee Pointon were to keep reporting and use the online reporting options as well, as the 111 line is inundated with calls and they understand there is a wait/hold time.


-Item closed-




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